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Friday 7 September 2018


So I stumbled across a Cosmo magazine article cataloguing the meanest things other celebrities have ever said to and/or concerning the Kardashian-Jenner clan. Google"20 Meanest Things Celebrities Have Said About The Kardashians" to read it.
It is no news that people reserve the kind of hatred we reserve for snakes and aim it at the members of that family, especially Kim. We say they are famous for being famous, i.e. they don't have any talent that can justify the kind of fame they possess.

I however find the argument that Kim Kardashian and her sisters are worthless because they are 'talent-less utterly without merit.
If you hate the Kardashians because they are famous for nothing, then you have to explain yourself to me more clearly.
 Here's  what I mean.
Somehow we as a society have placed a premium on people who have 'talent'. Talent here refers to the ability to sing, dance, code, write, paint, cook, run, golf, play tennis, blog, anchor the evening news, or any other thing that involves skill and expertise that is usually innate.
Here's my question: what are people who can't do any of these things to do? What if you can't play sports? What if you can't solve calculus equations, or act in a movie, or be a stand-up comic? What if you're not an astronaut, an auto designer, an architect, a basketball player, a sculptor, a poet or the high-in-demand media consultant?
What are you to do? How are you to earn a living? How are you to achieve prominence?
The argument has been made that everyone has a talent. Meaning somehow Kim and her sisters just might be able to sing, dance, paint or even write codes for Google if they cared to explore the depths of their humanity and intellect.
I see something wrong with this argument: that to be a human being of value, we all simply must have a skill. We must. If not, then we are worthless, not worthy of being celebrated. We are somehow to be vilified, thrashed and destroyed without an ounce of dignity left.
Granted, Kim does herself no favours. By posing nude, full frontal. By being an attention-whore at all costs. Her family do nothing more than push the boundaries on what decency is and what is acceptable behaviour for the American society and, fault globalisation, the world.

But if America wants to protest now, it is rather too late. A country that looks at a plain Jane (Sarah Jessica Parker, anyone?) and call her "stunning", "drop-dead gorgeous" must not complain when regular reality TV show stars become big news because they can take selfies. A country that promotes an obsession with the life of its public figures should not complain when that obsession is applied to someone who can take off her clothes, lie on a pile of dirt and have her husband 's approval while being photographed in that 'attire'. When top fashion critics look at a pile of beef on a woman's body and call it 'avant-garde' instead of calling it what it is: a disgusting bacteria -inducing vomit of a animal parts that ought not to have left the butcher shop, then that society has lost the right to complain when Kylie Jenner pumps her lips and backside full of whatever the hell she damn well pleases.
Besides, talent never exempted anyone from being attacked in life, online and otherwise. Ask Serena Williams.
My point is this: hate the Kadarshian-Jenner family if you must. But for the right reasons. Lack of talent shouldn't be one of them. There are millions of people who don't have what you might call talent. Even they are entitled to make something of themselves.
If they choose to lose their soul in the process is another matter entirely.

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