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Monday, 13 November 2017


Read the following story slowly, it's a turbulent story I have a brother who is three years younger than me. I wanted to buy a handkerchief that all the girls around me seemed to be. One day I stole 50 cents from my father's drawer. Father had discovered the stolen money immediately. He made me and my little brother kneel against the wall while holding a bamboo stick in his hand. "Who stole the money?" I was stunned to speak too anxiously. None of us confessed guilt, so he said: "Well, if no one wants to admit it, they should be beaten two!" Picked up the bamboo cane. Suddenly my younger brother grabbed the father's hand, saying, "Dad, I was the one who made it!" 

The long stick hit my brother's back several times. Father was so angry that he kept my brother whipped until he lost his breath. Then he sat down on our stone bed and scolded my brother, "You have learned to fly from your own homeland now." What other embarrassing things can be done in the future? You must be beaten to death, thief! That night, my mother and I kissed my brother. Her body was full of wounds from beating, but never shed a single crack. In the middle of the night, suddenly I cried aloud. My brother stuck my mouth with his little hand and told me, sister, no longer cry now. It all happened. I still don't hate myself enough courage to admit what I've done. The years passed, but the incident seemed to happen yesterday. I will never forget my brother's expression if he protected me. This year my brother was 8 years old and I was eleven years old. When my brother was in his last year of high school, he was accepted into a higher secondary school in the middle. At the same time I was accepted into a university in the province. This evening, the Father crouches in the yard, smoking, packed by pack. Can I hear that you ask my mother, "our two children have good results?" Very good results? Mother dried her tears and sigh, "What is the use?" How can we finance both? At that moment my brother came out, stood before the father and said, "Papa, I will not continue my study, I read enough books". Father turned his hand and beat my brother in his face.

 "Why do you have such a weak mind?", even if it means that I have to beg for money in the streets, I will send two of them to school until they have finished their studies! And then he called to call every house in town to borrow money. He drew my hand as gently as I had on my brother's swelling, and said, "a child must continue his study;" if not; They will not be able to overcome this poverty that we are living. "On the other hand, I had decided not to deepen my study at the university." No one knew that the next day before daybreak, my brother left the house with a few pieces of worn clothes and some dry beans. He was on my side of the bed and left a note on my pillow; Sister, getting into a college isn't easy. I'm going to get a job and send him money. I kept the note while I was sitting in my bed, and I cried until I lost my voice. That year my brother was 17 years old; I was 20 years old. With the money that the father borrowed from all the people, and the money my brother deserves by wearing cement on his back at a construction site, I finally managed to reach the third year of my study at the university. One day while I was studying in my room, my roommate came and said, "There is a villager waiting for you outside!" "Why would a villager get me?" I went out and saw my brother from afar. His whole body was covered in dirt, dust, cement and sand. I said, "Why didn't you tell my partner that you were my brother?" "He answered with a smile:" Look at my appearance. " What are you going to think when you know I'm your brother? " They don't make you funny? I felt so touched, and the tears filled my eyes. I removed the dirt and dust from my brother's body. And he spoke with a piece in his throat, "no matter what people would say!" Are you my brother, no matter what your appearance is? From his pocket drew a hair-butterfly clip. He put it in my hair and said, "I have seen that all the girls in town use it." I think I should too. I couldn't bear it anymore. I threw my brother in my arms and cried. That year my brother was 20 years old; I was 23 years old. I noticed that the defective window was repaired the first time I got my from my boyfriends home .

They cleaned the house. When my friend left, I danced like a little girl in front of my mom, mom, they didn't have to spend so much time cleaning the house! "But she told me with a smile:" It was your brother who came home early to clean the house. "Haven't you seen the wound in your hand? He injured his hand as he replaced the window. I went to my brother's room. Looking at his thin face, I felt like hundreds of needles stung in my heart. I put an ointment on his wound and I have a bandage on it, "Does it hurt?" I asked him. "No, it doesn't hurt." You know, when in the room, the stones fall on my feet... Even that could not prevent me from working. In the middle of the sentence he stopped. I turned back and the tears ran down my face. In the middle of the sentence he stopped. I turned back and the tears ran down my face. That year my brother was 23 years old; I was 26 years old. When I got married, I lived in town. Several times my H... I invited my parents to live with us, but they didn't want to. They said they once left the city, they didn't know what to do. My brother agreed with you. He said, "sister, you only care about your laws." I'll take care of mom and dad. My husband became director of his factory. We asked my brother to accept the offer to be the manager of the maintenance service. But my brother refused the offer. He insisted on working as a mechanic instead of starting. One day my brother was at the top of a ladder that repaired a wire as he was through the electric current, and he was sent to the hospital.

My husband and I visited him in the hospital. Looking at the cast plaster on his leg, I lament, "Why did you reject the offer to be a manager?" The managers won't do anything dangerous. Look at you, you're badly injured. Why didn't you listen to us? With a serious expression in his face, he defended his decision, "think of the brother-in-law." He was just the director, and I was not trained, and would be a manager, what kind of rumors would fly around? My husband's eyes filled with tears, and then he said: "But they lack education just for me!" "Why do you speak of the past?" he said, and then took my hand. This year I was 26 years old and I was 29. My brother was 30 years old when he married a farmer in the village. During the wedding reception, the master of ceremonies asked: "Who is the person you respect and love the most?" Without even taking the time to think, he replied, "my sister." He told him a story he couldn't even remember.

"When I was in elementary school, the school was in another city." Every day, my sister and I went to school and home for two hours. One day I lost the other pair of gloves. My sister gave me one. He only wore a glove and had to disappear. When we got home, their hands were shaking because of the cold that they couldn't even hold their chopsticks. From that day on, I swore that while I was alive, I'd take care of my sister and always be nice to her. Applause filled the room. All the guests have called my attention. I found it difficult to speak, "in all my life I want to thank most, it is my brother," and on this happy occasion, before the crowd, the tears rolled back on my face. Moral of the story: Love and care for the ones you love every day of your life. You may think that what you have done is just a little action, but for someone, it can mean a lot.

The enthusiastic lion and the Hare , The Stag and His Reflection Story TOP MOST LIKED MORAL STORY

The enthusiastic lion and the Hare
Once a lion was in a dense forest. It was a hot summer day and the lion was very hungry. He thought he should drink water from the nearby river and then look for food. He left his cave and went to the river to drink the water.

He came back and looked for food here and there. On the way he found a little hare. Take the hare without hesitation. "This bunny can't fill my stomach," thought the lion. The lion was on the verge of killing the hare, a deer ran this way. The lion became greedy. He thought, instead of eating the little hare, he would let me eat the big beast. I'm going to eat now and save a night.

He left the Hare free and went to the deer. But the deer had disappeared into the forest. The lion now felt sad to put the free hare.

Moral of the story: greedy is always crushing.

The Stag and His Reflection Story

Once a deer lived in a dense forest. There was a stream in the forest. All animals were used this water. He lived a deer with his family. I was very thirsty. He went to drink water in the bay. The running water was calm and clear. I was on the edge of the duck to drink water.

The deer saw his reflection in running water.
He saw his reflection in this clear water. When he saw his horns, he felt proud of them. He said, "What a beautiful and charming horn!" When he looked at his legs, he felt sad and disappointed and cursed God for this injustice. He thought he was the king of this forest. He won't fear anyone.

He still wiped out his thirst when he saw a hunter with his dogs. His life in danger of seeing the deer ran as fast as he could. Soon he was no longer in sight. It reached a dense forest, but unfortunately its horns were stuck in a thick bush. He came out of his way to free his horns, but in vain. During this time, the dogs came to hunt and started it.

The deer now realized that the legs he had despised some time ago helped him save his life, but the beautiful horns became the cause of his death.

Morals: All shiny ornaments are not gold.

Jackal and War Drum ,The crow and the pitchar TOP MOST MORAL Story For KIDS

Jackal and War Drum Story 

Once there was a dense forest that lived a jackal. One day I was very hungry and I was looking for food. In search of food, he found a battlefield. There he saw a large drum lying under a tree. As the wind blew, there was a sound that struck the trunk of the tree with the drum. He wanted to go with fear, but he thought he should be careful to seek the source of this sound.

The Jackal beats with his paws before. The drum made noise. Well, the Jackal thought it could be another little beast in the drum and that would make a very tasty meal for him. Because I was so hungry. He tried a lot with his paws and teeth to tear the drum, but in vain.

At that moment, a leopard went down while he was looking for his food. He drew attracted by the sound of the drum, approached him. He saw the Jackal and said he was going to kill you. The Jackal said to the leopard: "Darling, please let me and I give you a good meal instead of me." There's a pig hidden in the drum. If you break this drum and kill the pig, you have a delicious meal. Say that this jackal has disappeared from the place.

The leopard struck the upper part of the drum with its pointed legs. The drum exploded with a sound, but there was no animal inside. The drum was empty. Looking at the empty drum, the leopard became very angry and said to the Jackal: "You have wasted my time." There is no food in the drum. So I'm going to kill and eat. He saw there was no jackal. He continued his search for food, and near the drum he found enough food.
The crow and the pitchar
A raven lived in a dense forest. It was a hot summer day. There was no water in the forest. The raven was very thirsty. He flew from one place to another in search of water, but he could not find it anywhere. He was very sad and disappointed not to get a drop of it.

He finally saw a pot. He flew into the pot and sat on his edge. When he stretched his beak to quench his thirst, he saw that the water was just on the ground.

His beak could not reach such a low water level. He even tried to dump the boat, but he couldn't do that. It was too hard for him to move.

When he flew desperately, he thought of a plan. Suddenly his eyes fell on extended pebbles near the glass. He flew to them, picked up the Pebble one after the other and left them in the-. He's done it continuously.

Slowly and slowly the water level rose and approached the neck. The Raven was pleased to see. He dropped his beak, extinguished the thirst and flew away.

Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way.



Once there was a hare in the jungle. A good morning was looking for food. He ran into a fox. I was afraid to see the fox. The hare was seen on the fox in admiration.
Hare hit the fox on the way.

The Fox asked what happened to you? Why do you like me? The hare says in a fearful voice, "I asked myself about you."

The Fox asked, "Why is that?" The hare replied, "Are you really as smart as others say about you?" Because I think leopard is very smart.

The Fox looked at the hare with a thoughtful look and replied after a few moments, "I think you're right." You'd better do one thing. You can come tonight and take part in our meeting. Let's discuss the matter.

The hare went to the lair of the fox at night. He saw that there was a dining table where the dishes and bowls were laid. But there were no other animals to meet. The hare thought, "How crazy I am!" The fox was planning to eat me and there was no meeting. He escaped from his life before Fox arrived there.

Morality: Clever words are not trustworthy or do not believe a smart person.

Once there was a camel and a jackal together in a forest. There was a river near the forest. On the other side of the river were sugar cane fields. One day in the morning the Jackal came to the camel and asked him to cross the river and enjoy the sugar cane. The Camel agrees with the Jackal. But the Jackal didn't know how to swim, so he asked the camel to take it on his back.

The camel accepted the request of the Jackal. He struck the river and soon reached his bank. The Camel wore the Jackal in his back and crossed the river. When they came to the other side, they began to eat sugar cane. The Jackal was satisfied with his food because he was very small, but the camel was still hungry. The Jackal to howl loud after the meal. The camel did not ask him to do it, but the Jackal said it was his habit to howl after the meals.

His howling heard from the peasants. They all reached the place with long sticks. The Jackal vanished into the cane-field, but the camel was beaten hard. Now they wanted to cross the river. The Jackal asked the camel to take him to the other side of the river.

The camel agreed to do it because he wanted to retaliate against him. When the camel reached half of the water, it started rolling in the water. The Jackal told him not to. But the camel said it was his habit to do it after meals.

The Jackal felt sad for his faults. He was rightly punished for his malice.

Morality: Each action has an opposite reaction.

Once a humble wood cutter called Kalis, who lived in a small town. The villagers depend on the forest for their livelihood. Kalios went on a regular basis to get firewood with the villagers. I sold wood on the next market. With this little profit he drove his family.

As usual, he had gone to the forest one day to pick up firewood. He cut a tree near the river and the calamity struck him that day. His axe ran away from his hand and lost in the river. He was a poor wood cutter and he had only one axe. That day, he lost his only axe in the river. Thinking about the future of crying. His cries were intense and troubled the god of water. The god of water came before Kalis and asked the reason for his howling. Kalis explained everything in detail to the god of water. After hearing all the water that God immersed in the river. After a while he came out of the water with a golden axe.

He showed the Golden Axe for Kalien and asked "Is it yours?" Kalis investigated the Golden Axe and said, "Not my lord, it is not mine." To keep the axe aside, the water fell to the river God for the second time. This time he came with a silver axe. He showed the silver axe to Kalien and asked him again "Is it yours?"

Kalien looked at the axe and said, "It is not mine." I'm a poor wood cutter. How do I get a gold or silver axe? I only have an axe of iron. Listen to this god of water plunged once more into the river. This time he returned with the iron axe of Kalis. When Kalis saw his axe, he became very happy. He showed his gratitude and respect for the god of the river. Seeing the honesty of the Kalien the god of water gave the axe gold and silver as a gift to him with his original iron axe.

Morality: Always be honest. Honesty is always rewarded.


Once a lion was severely wounded by the horns of a goat while he was. He was very angry at the idea that every animal he chose for a meal should be as naughty as to scratch things as dangerous as the horns while he used to. So he ordered all the animals to leave their kingdom as soon as possible. He doesn't want to see you.

The commandment struck terror among all animals. All those who were so unhappy to have horns began to come out of this jungle. Even the hare, who has no horns and therefore had nothing to fear. He spent a very excited night, thinking of the frightful lion.

He came out of the labyrinth in the morning sun, and there he saw the shadow poured from his long lace ears. I was afraid to see. Well, my dear friend cricket. I am going. Cricket said, why are you going? You have no horns, you should stay here. He certainly stresses that my ears are horns, no matter what I am. In time, half-lion came with a roar and killed the hare.

Moral: Don't give your enemies a reason to attack your reputation. Your enemies will take any excuse to attack you.

Once a fox lived in a dense forest. One day I was so hungry, and I was looking for food. I was on a road that was near a pond. He saw a turtle wandering there. The hungry Fox catches the turtle. To eat it, he tried to break the solid shell to the turtle, but could not break it.

Hey, honey, you want to eat me? Then you should try to put me in the water for everything to soften me, the cunning turtle struck.

It sounded excellent advice for Zorro. He took his prayer to the pond and plunged into the streams. The turtle, which was a beautiful swimmer, slipped out of the legs of the fox and dipped in the middle of the ponder and laughed.

Morality: The presence of the mind can save you from danger.

After a while he lived two best friends in a village. Their names were and more. One day they both went to visit their friends birthday party.

They promised to help each other in trouble. On the way there was a big forest. When they walked through the woods, they saw a black bear. The bear came to you. They were very afraid to see such a dangerous beast.

More at once climbed to a nearby tree to save his life. He didn't know he knew the safety of his friend. He didn't know how to climb a tree. Because he was fat. But he was smart. I heard that bears don't touch dead people. So he lay on the ground, holding his breath and seemed to be dead. The bear approached him and smelt the whole body of core. The bear thought he was dead and he left.

When the bear had gone far enough, he stood with his feet. Also fell from the tree. He asked him to tell him what the bear was whispering in his ear. The bear advised him to take care of fake friends like him. Made his mistake.


Mouse City and the land mouse
A mouse from the city paid a visit to his friend who lived in the country. Field Mouse was glad to see his friend. So he prepared a good party for him. The city mouse looked at the fruit and corn-car with hatred
"Is that how you live?" he asked, "Life in the country does not offer much."
He persuaded the field mouse to accompany him to the village and to see all the good things that exist.
So the field mouse grabbed all his goods and went into town. The field mouse was really surprised to see things there. But once you get into a good meal of cheese and fruit to enjoy, a big cat jumped out the window. As the cat, the two mice ran to their hole to save themselves, leaving the cat all the cheese and fruit.
When the cat disappeared, the mice came out of their hole.
"I'll," cried the land-mouse, "I love my simple rate sure like this big party in danger."

Morality: Security is the first meaning.

They can't all please
One day, a man with his son and his butt went to the market. They met a couple along the way.
Why do you go when you have to ride? Cried the husband, sitting the lad in the.
"I wish," said the lad, "Help me my father."
And the father did it with Will.
Soon they met a couple. "What a shame!" cried the woman, "Let thy father go, not weary?"
So the boy went downstairs and the father rolled him in. Parade again.
"Poor lad," said the next person they met, "Why is the lazy father ride while his son is going?"
The child also got in his butt. When they left, they met travelers.
"How cruel they are!" "are at the top of the killing of the poor donkey," cried one of the travelers.
At this hearing, the father and the son came down. Now they have decided to keep their asses on their shoulders. As they did, the travelers broke out of laughter.
Laughed fear the donkey. He got free and ran away.

Morality: You can't all please

A fisherman and a herring
A fisherman had fished for a long time, but no luck. Finally he threw himself into the net and saw a small fish caught in it.
"Please let me go," asked the fish, "I'll grow more in a few days and then you can catch me again."
The fisherman said: "Now that I have caught you, I will not let you go." If I leave you, I may not see you again.

Moraleja: A bird in a band is two values in the shrub.

The Wind and the Sun
As soon as the wind and the sun came to have a quarrel. One of them claims to be stronger. Finally, he agreed to have a judgment of violence.
"Here's a traveller." "Let us see who can strip him from his watch," said the sun.
The wind accepted and opted for the first train. It blew in the most difficult way possible. As a result, the traveller grabbed his coat even tighter around him.
So it was the turn of the sun. At first he seemed to be very soft. So the traveller loosened his coat from his neck.
The sun was shining and more. The traveller felt warm. In a short time he took off his coat and put it in his pocket. The wind must have accepted its defeat.

Morality: Rage or strength does not cut the ice where softness does the job.

An Ant and a GC
A lazy GC laughed in a small ant when he was always busy collecting food.
"Why are you working so hard?" he asked, "Come to the sun and hear my merry notes."
"But the ant went into his work." She said, "I lie in a tent for the winter." The sunny days will not last forever.
"The winter is still far away," the GC laughs again.
And when the winter came, the ant moved into his cozy house. She had a lot of food to last the whole winter. The GC had nothing to eat, so he went to the Ant and asked him for corn.
"No" replied the ant, "you laughed at me when I was working." They sang in the summer. It's better than dancing in the winter.

Morality: Inaction is a curse.

The Wolf and the Goat
Once a wolf saw a goat at the top of a hill and said: "Come here, Miss Goat!" The grass here is greener and more. "Thank you," replied the Goat, "the grass can be much better." But when I come, you have a good meal. So I'd rather stay here, where you can't go. At least I'm pretty sure.

Morality: Don't let others take advantage of your sweetness.
The Hare and the Turtle
Once a hare wanders near a lake in a forest. Suddenly he saw a turtle and laughed at him saying, "Hurry up, slow coach!" Don't you find life too boring, so long to cover a few feet? I could have run over the lake now.
The turtle felt mocked and dared to race the hare. The race was made by the wood to a fixed destination.
The hare fell together with the laughter. In a few minutes I was not in sight.
"What a fun career it is!" he said to himself, "I'm already halfway." But it is too cold; Why not take a nap in the hot sun?
The turtle went on a regular basis from time to time. In a short time he crossed the sleeping Hare.
The hare slept much longer than he had expected. When he finally awoke, he looked with surprise at him and said, "Not even a poor turtle sigh somewhere so far;" I'm better trotting and finish the race.
The hare ran to the target. He was surprised to see all the animals cheering the turtle, which had come only a minute before. Pity that he felt!

Moral: Slow and stable wins the race.

Sunday, 12 November 2017


The beautiful mountains of Kana were an impressive view and never stopped to impress on and after his marriage with Shiva, lived with Shiva, his desires and his sage, he loved the place more. She smiled as she looked around the mountains dressed in snow and knew that would be the case, always.
Jaya and Vijaya, the two guardians of the goddess, he spoke to her.
Devi. How's kana? They asked him. He did not smile to stop. His smile says a lot more than ever. "Shiva, Desire, Nandi.... it's all right." The goddess could not stop smiling as she remembered her time. "And do you know how much Nandi loves the Lord?" He said to the two guards with astonishment open. "If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it." He said he shook his head. The devotion which the half-man, half-bull had for Shiva, was something that was not the end of the
"And now, as the consort of the Lord, Nando loves me in the same way that he loves Shiva." He said with a radiant smile.
Jaya has no. "But they are all the desire of Shiva, deviation." He said a little hesitantly.
"Like that?" interrogated by asked.
Jaya and Vijaya said nothing about the beginning.
"I'll take a bath." "Please keep an eye on." He found Nandi, who was waiting for him today.
"Yes, deviation." Nandi said nod his head.
"Don't let anyone in." I said it with a smile.
"Never". Nanda said vehemently and then realized that the goddess mocked him and she went away.
Nando was still on duty outside when he felt, instead of seeing the Lord come to him. Nandi turned abruptly and saw that it was indeed Lord Shiva who was behind it. The man hastened to the Lord.
"My friend." Shiva recognized Nando when he walked in his house with a smile.
It was mixed as he heard a little noise in the outer rooms. He almost pulled out his pistol when he realized exactly who the person was.
When Shiva was entering the inner apartment, he was very surprised, his wife looked very angry as she was to get to her rifle. "What are you...?" Shiva has begun.
"Shiva." He said he was breathing deeply. Shiva said nothing but the sequel. "I asked Nandi to stay on the guard while I was going to take a bath." He said at last.
Shiva smiled. "Have you planned Nandi to keep you away from entering my own house?"
He was upset. "I asked him not to let anyone," he murmured as he walked.
Shiva did not laugh something to say.
However, the goddess was still upset.
But they are all wishes of Shiva, Deviation....
Jaya's lyrics were somehow ringing in the mind of the head as she was not able to shake them. She watched Nandi, who's out and somehow still repeats the words.
With a sudden decision, she nods to her jaw on a firm line of signature.
The child he had created from his own body looked beautiful beyond the words. His bright and intelligent eyes hid the hard strength and courage that the child had. He smiled as he admired the boy for one last time, and then blew his life.
"Mother!" said the lad, and felt it a fortune he had never felt before in his life. "You are my son." He said he couldn't stop seeing the kid. "You belong to me." He said.
Mother. Why did you create me? The boy asked how his eyes looked for answers.
"I needed someone for me." He just said. "Someone who would only answer me."
"Order me, mother." "What Shall I do?"
She smiles. "I'll take a bath." Please make sure that no one comes home without my permission. He took a firm stick from the ground. "Take this and stay on your toes."
The boy took the cane and came out, looked around him.
He saw the boy one last time, then he came in.
Shiva was back when he saw an exceptionally beautiful and strong boy in front of his house. The young eye seemed curious that the lad was looking around. More importantly, Shiva knew that the boy stood in front of his house with a certain reason.
"Who Are you?" Shiva asked the boy.
"My mother asked me to stay here and stay awake." She didn't want us to go home without her permission. "The lad said, looking at the Lord." "Who Are you?"
The boy asked.
"I am Shiva." Shiva said she was trying to go to the house.
There was absolutely no warning when the boy suddenly struck Shiva with the rod. Shiva made a grimace and was surprised to see the child spinning the staff. The desire was touched, unable to do anything.
"No one comes home without my mother's permission." The boy told Shiva when he turned his cane.
Shiva burned when he looked at the boy. "I am Shiva, the husband of the house." How can you not stop entering my house? "He demanded furiously."
But the boy really heard nothing as he pushed Shiva back and says nothing more. Shiva walked away from home when she watched her eagerly as she watched the whole scene with horror.
"Ask who this boy is and what he is doing here." Shiva said, almost groans in his zeal as he walked away from there.
The desire looked at the furious Lord and went to the child. "Who are you?" What are you trying to do? The boy looked at the desire as if he had already chosen goals, as the wish continued. "If you want to stay alive, stay away from here." You said you wanted to threaten the boy.
The boy saw the cold urge. "Who are you?" What are you trying to do? And why are you hitting me?
The wish looked at the boy cautiously. "We are the wish of Shiva." And we are the ones who take care of him. And we'll kill you if you're not away from the door.
"I am the son of" the boy said, while he grabbed the cane, who studied the desire firmly, hoping that one of them would take the first step.
However, before the fight began, the desire for Shiva went first. "This boy is the son of the Goddess!" The profits said, Shiva say everything that had happened.
But right now Shiva was very angry. Looked contempt upon desire. "I don't care." I want the boy over there. "He deliberately said and refused to hear more."
The wish returned to the child and this time there was a ridiculously short fight between the boy and the desire and the desire were defeated. None of them wanted to fight the child who was alone and added that the child was a very good warrior.
The desire saw the child with problems in the eyes of nursing wounds. "This man is Shiva, her husband." Why don't you let him in? "One of them asked angrily."
The child stopped for a few seconds looking uncertain...
He thought he heard something from the outside of the house. She called her friend. "Find out what's going on out there." He snapped.
The friend of the city walked down the street and saw the struggle between the greedy and the child and his dialogues. In a moment he understood what was happening during the race inside the house. "They look forward to Shiva." My friend's boyfriend was furious. "You want to go to your apartment." And you don't care if you want them indoors or not... "The friend has a deep breath trying to control himself." '.... And they fought against your son. "The friend ended up furiously."
He heard that and a slow rage entered his heart. "Shiva tried to force his way into his own house." He didn't even wait. "He said angrily." She turned to her friend, as her rage almost threatened to consume her. "Go with my son and tell him that no one will enter my house without my permission." A. She said at last.
The friend fled the boy. Mr. Your mother tells you that you don't have to force anyone to get in the house. "The friend saw the desire that they were lame and grimace in pain."
The confusion in the child's face had listened to the lady's words before him and smiled. The friend of the university saw the grimace victory and smiled at her. "Who are these victories before you, sir?" Can you really expect to win against a person like you? "He asked how he returned in the house."
The boy smiled as he looked at the grimace wish. "You are the desire of Shiva and I am the son of" you must realize the wishes of Shiva and I am obliged to do so. So do what you think is right and I'll do what I'm supposed to do. "The young man said he was keeping his stick tight when he looked at the sharp with a dangerous smile on his lips."
However, instead of fighting the child, the urging back to Shiva told Shiva all that had happened and what the child had told him. For a few seconds, Shiva saw his zeal, he could not speak.
"It is." Shiva murmur at last, to himself, shaking his head.
Shiva took a deep breath at his zeal. "This boy keeps me from entering my own house." Shiva saw his men far
Brahma and Vishnu came to Shiva and were amazed to find Lord Shiva, who was furious and surly.
Shiva spoke with Brahma first without preamble. "I don't want to fight." Shiva said. "There's a boy out of my house and he won't let me in." Shiva looked at Brahma with piercing eyes. "Just talk to the boy."
Brahma nods as he went with some of the impulses to Shiva's house. There he found the child, which she considered cautiously.
Brahma pointed out that the other keep as he approached the child. "I'm not here to..." It was as far as Brahma got.
The young advanced and without Brahma the opportunity to explain himself, to draw the beard of Brahma.
He feared that Brahma was trying to recover when the boy brought the Iron club. Brahma no longer live as he ran hard, eager to follow him. The boy took part of the desire and attacked her, as the others escaped...
After breath, Brahma Shiva told all that had happened.
Shiva was very angry at the time that Brahma finished. He went to Indra and his son Kartikeya. "Collect all our strength." "Get that kid out of there." Shiva said with fiery eyes.
He spoke to his friends when he suddenly felt trembling. He didn't speak any more than he looked around. Something had just happened... Something's not good at all. He closed his eyes and concentrated.
The Goddess's friends were frightened when she opened her eyes. The sound frightening was a cube. The worst thing was the solid jaw of the goddess, which clearly showed that the goddess wanted to do something horrible.
The friends observed, of which two extraordinarily powerful women emerge. The two women who were created were beautiful, but their cruelty masked all their beauty. They looked like combat machines that would kill without a second thought.
"Order us, mother." Both Shakthis said that.
"There is an army that comes after my son." He said cold. "Protect him."
The boy saw a great army approaching him. The desire he had fought until then seemed almost to be in relation to the army. What was the worst thing was the leaders of the two groups. They seemed powerful and have the confidence to fight and won battles before.
The boy grabbed the iron stick more energetically as he saw the army orbiting him from all sides. The child took a deep breath while relaxing as he felt it. It was something so powerful that he was sure that his opponents had felt it, too. The boy turned and was surprised. Standing beside him were two powerfully constructed women, who seemed more cruel than any army he faced.
One of the Shakthis turned to the other. "None of your weapons should come to him." He said he saw the army around him.
The boy saw how much they threw their weapons. He held his iron club ready to avoid the gun, as the boy looked at him surprised that the pistol stopped as soon as he came out of the hands of desire. The impulses were astonished when the weapon was in the air.
This time the goddess smiled dangerously when the revolver was spinning. The weapons were and beat the same desires that they had thrown away.
Took a second for the child to understand what was going on and smiling, he raised his iron club began to turn around to deal with the envy they attacked him without weapons....
It was a ridiculously short fight. The guy was not to stop himself, and with the two Shakthis there was nothing anyone could do....
The victory still failed at the battle, but Kartikeya was not executed. He and the boy were swapping the blows that the urging on Shiva resorted to.
And back in the fight between Christ and the child, Kartikeya was also no match for the child and lost the fight....
"We..." We think... "The desires snapped to see Shiva." "We thought we were just because we were the desire of Shiva, no one could stop us." One of the urgings said Shiva. "But our arrogance has vanished." The urge asked Shiva. "This boy, Sir, whoever he is, you're the only one who can stop him." Even Mr. Kartikeya himself is not a match for him. The profit fell upon the feet of Shiva.
Shiva watched the desire without any expression in his face. Then he went to Vishnu "I think we have a fight in our hands." That's all he said.
The boy looked like this time he was only two people coming up to him and one of them was Shiva. The impulses were in the distance. The Shakthis cautiously observed the two men. The boy turned his iron club and struck one of the two Warriors-Vishnu. Lord Vishnu addresses Lord Shiva. "I'll use my Maya and keep him engaged." He said, that something mighty pulled from his hands.
The Shakthis unite their forces and merge their forces into the child's body. The boy was not able to believe him, as something mighty ran through him... With the power, the boy was able to fight the Mayas of Vishnu.
In the midst of attacked Shiva, tried to find an opening in the defense of the child. But the boy struggled like a obsessed. He threw his iron club at Shiva's Trident, as the Trident fell from the hands of the Lord. Shiva furiously lifted his Pinaka--his bow, trying to shoot the child. Only to determine that the child was protected by the Shakthis.
The boy fought incredibly fast and was able to fight the attack of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu threw his disc into the boy and at the last minute the boy brought the club back to record. Without a second thought, the boy threw the club in Vishnu and Garuda took the club in his mouth.
Remembering his mother, the boy raised the staff she had given him and to fight with Vishnu again.
For a few seconds it seemed that the boy would win. Lord Vishnu fell when the boy struck him with the cane. The boy directed his attention to Shiva, not understanding that Vishnu only claimed that they had dropped.
The boy was preparing to attack Shiva when he heard the movement behind him. The boy realized that Lord Vishnu only claimed to have left himself and hurried to turned. The boy turned as Shiva raised his trident and there was no mistake in the sense of Shiva.
And the son of his father had died on the battlefield when the Trident left him.
For a second there was a complete silence on the battlefield. No one could really believe that the fight was over. But the boy lay on the battlefield without moving. Shiva's desire could not believe him, and then there were sudden cries of joy.
"The boy is gone."
"We won."
"Lord Shiva has won."
There was a crescendo of cries and soon all lust rejoiced.
They were so much in rejoicing that none of them noticed that Lord Shiva was not even happy at a distance. In fact, I'm sorry, knowing that I had done something unforgiven.
For a second he felt that the whole universe was silent. She saw her hands trembling and full of rage. A rage I couldn't control.
She saw everything that had happened and saw the desire to rejoice in the battlefield. To his dead son. The goddess watched the scene as she reproduced in her mind and in a few seconds to stand in front of her, there were hundreds and thousands of bloodthirsty Shakthis who had all come out.
"Order us, mother." said the Shakthis.
"They killed my son." He said it indifferently. She turned her eyes to her Shakthis. "None of them deserve to live." Not as long as my son is dead. The Shakthis was considered the fact that she was constantly losing control of herself. "Kill them all." The goddess just said.
And when the madness began...
The Shakthis that were commanded by them destroyed everything that happened to them. Sage, Buddhism, gods... nothing has survived the Shakthis. And it looked really bad. Most of the gods were sure that the end of the world was near, because nothing seemed to stop the Shakthis and their numbers simply multiplied...
With no other option to stop this madness, the gods went to the streets with Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahma.
"Please forgive us, goddess." They said, and the goddess refused to listen to them.
"Please, deviation." Lord Vishnu says graciously. "Let's do what you want." Stop the massacre.
He watched Vishnu and little of a little resemblance of control came to him. "I need my son." And I need it to have a dignified status between them. "He looked at Vishnu." "If it is done, it will not kill anymore." "She smiled as she did not even bother to finish the threat."
The gods hurried back to Shiva and heard everything they had to say. turned to them. "Go North." Find the first living thing you see and bring your head. "The gods certainly knew if not wasting time and came almost as soon as Shiva commanded them."
They took the child's body and drove north. The first animal they saw was a single elephant in defense. They cut off the elephant's head and tie it to the child's body. With the mighty Mantras and sacred waters, they could tie the boy's body to the head of the elephant.
The boy was brought to Shiva, who saw the boy with a strange smile. Shiva closed his eyes as he touched the child.
The impulses were astonished when the boy woke up with the elephant's head as if he was only asleep. It was very nice to see with an elephant's face. The young red Complexion limited its fine properties and his eyes showed an intelligence that denied his age...
The gods took the child to the Shakthis, which arose, and left no trace. If she had the feeling that her son was handsome before, he had no words to describe his son at that time. She hugs her son energetically, as the words they have utterly failed.
Shiva was born behind the gods and desire when he saw the little and the child.
"This is my other son." Shiva said proudly.
He couldn't hide his smile when Shiva went on. "I, Vishnu and Brahma are worshipped in all three worlds." But this son will be worshipped before all of us. Shiva turned to desire. "He will be your Lord hereafter, the Lord of the Ganas-Ganesha." My son Ganesha. Lord Shiva said with a quiet pride.

A Storie on Lord Ganesh Single TUSKED

In most Ganesha idols, the left stem of the Lord is broken. There are a lot of stories for this broken catch.
The story in the Emmanuel Purana goes like this:
Parasurama has defeated the last of his enemies and made a victory cry. He had just made a war against Kartivirya Arjuna and the entire army of the arrogant king. and Parasurama had won. The passionate revenge that had consumed him, since he Jamadgni his father, lay dead in the mud with 21 scars all over his body, seemed to slow down damping... Parasurama looked about him wearily when he saw the massacre that surrounded him and realized that none of his enemies were standing.
Parasurama fell on the ground, felt the tired bone as he looked at the axe in his hands. It was called Parasurama-that meant Rama with the axe. Parasurama regarded this axe as the gift of himself Lord Shiva, who was also his master in martial arts and the arts of war. If something else was Lord Shiva... Parasurama realized that he owed all his victory to the Lord of the three eyes.
Parasurama did not even blink as he stood on the battlefield and headed for Mount Kana, the image of Lord Shiva, almost drawn him as a magnet and the fatigue he felt did not disappear.
Very soon, the sage was on the outskirts of Kana and was surprised when he found Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and on the other side of the door. Sage Parasurama wanted to enter the house when Ganesha stopped the man.
"You cannot enter now!" Ganesha said abruptly.
"Why?" Parasurama asked to feel completely confused.
"My parents are asleep." I don't want you to be disturbed now. Ganesha said.
Parasurama looked at Ganesha, a small seed of rage that builds. "I am the follower of Lord Shiva and his disciple." I should be allowed to visit him at any time. "he said quietly."
"No!" he said. Ganesha said with the same calmness and as a warrior would know another, Parasurama knew that Ganesha had nothing in.... would leave No.
"Let me in or I attack!" Parasurama said so quietly that Ganesha barely heard him. But Ganesha doesn't need to hear it.
Ganesha pulled his pistol by looking at Parasurama. Not! I won't let you in. Ganesha repeated.
And the two men were fighting.
The two men matched each other, blade-blade, gun weapon. But Ganesha seemed to win. Ganesha was more in control of himself and could fight wisely and observe the technique of combating Parasurama.
Parasurama was furious and more and more furious. I was reckless and I could not believe I lost. In anger and despair, Parasurama, threw his axe on Ganesha.
For a second, Ganesha stood still. It took Ganesha less than the time for the gun to let Parasurama hands realize that the axe was something that Parasurama had used in Lord Shiva himself. (There are two versions on how Parasurama got the ax-according to a version, Lord Shiva defied Parasurama to a fight and Parasurama was able to hurt Shiva with the ax and the second version was that Lord Shiva presented the ax to Parasurama (because of Parasurama feats) Extraordinary fights
Ganesha realized that if he stopped the gun, it would mean disrespectful to his own father.
Ganesha closed his eyes as he concentrated on the weapon.
The axe moved to Ganesha and cut the elephant god Tusk, while she landed on the ground with a loud din, waking up all around the world.
This awakened Lord Shiva and the goddess,
The Goddess left the house first and all he saw was an axe with the catch of his son lying on the floor.
Parasurama was surprised when he saw the beautiful goddess, she metamorphosed in front of her own eyes. The eyes of the goddess, who were generally affectionate and peaceful, changed. And standing before Parasurama was one of the most dangerous warriors, Parasurama had ever seen-the goddess Durga, the warrior goddess.
"You have hurt my son!" The goddess struck him in anger by relying on him, bringing the weapon into a far-reaching ark, while Parasurama watched the affected goddess, words that were completely absent. "For that I will cut my arms!" said the goddess viciously, pulling at her arms.
"Mother!" Ganesha shouted, trying to bring his mother to see the reason. "It was a fight, and I was the one who left..." The words of Ganesha were meaningless.
The goddess Durga burned with rage and was not in the mood to hear anyone.
"Shiva said abruptly, trying to direct the attention of the goddess." "Please, look at Parasurama for what it is."
For a great second Durga saw Shiva, then turned to Parasurama still furiously. Breathe deeply to control the goddess, turned to Shiva.
"Parasurama is my pupil, and he is also like your son." Shiva said quietly. "See him as his son and forgive him." Shiva said.
He turned to Parasurama and then slowly, almost unnoticed, Parasurama sigh in relief, as the goddess changed in his normal form.
Parasurama realized that he owes his master of his life... Ganesha.
Parasurama looked at Ganesha and realized what made the elephant so special to God. He was out of respect for his father that Ganesha had lost his catch to the axe, but Ganesha had still asked his mother to save the life of the Parasurama.
Parasurama Bent to the elephant led God with greatest devotion.
Ganesha watched the wise warrior with a smile when Parasurama gave him his beloved axe.
"It's up to you, my lord." Forgive me! Parasurama said, like Ganesha Ri.
The other story for the loss of Ganesha Fang is the Mahabharatha who take the same Ganesha's defense to write the Mahabharatha, because it was the ballpoint pen that Ganesha found at the speed at which Veda Vyasa said the Mahabharatha .
There is also another story about the broken catch:
Ganesha was very happy. His followers had given him a lot of candy and he had as much as he could and was filled with quieter lots of candy when he went home.
Of course, Ganesha was traveling in his vehicle-the mouse, and both ran along, back home.
When they walked through a dense forest that was celebrated in the moonlight, a huge snake came out of nowhere.
Of course, the Ganesha mouse trembled and ran from there.
Ganesha didn't even have time to soothe his pet as he fell on the floor, and the candies he wore divided and scattered all over the floor. But Ganesha had a bigger problem. When Ganesha had fallen, his stomach was pierced.
Ganesha quickly pulled the snake out of a hand and tied it like a leash around the stomach to avoid further damage.
But Ganesha's mishap was something that was not fully observed.
The God of the moon-Chandra Deva saw this and unable to stop, he laughed. In anger, Ganesha drew his fang and threw him to the moon god, breaking the moon into several pieces. Chandra Deva was surprised, but Ganesha has not been done yet. "You will always be dark!" The young Ganesha cursed God of the moon.
Finally, with the intervention of Lord Shiva, Ganesha agreed to change the curse and so came the fifteen days of the crescent moon and the fifteen days of the deforming moon.

And as Ganesha tore his Fang and threw him to the moon,

It is one of the reasons why Ganesha has only one catch.


After the farewell of Bheema went into the garden. Bheema felt like I was in the sky... Even the sky did not smell so soft... Bheema felt himself inhaling the beautiful flowers of Saugandhika.

He wanted to enter the garden when he saw a large mirage standing outside the garden. Any other man would have seen the wild monster... But not Bheema... With bright Eyes, Bheema tried to enter the garden.

The Mirage has arrested him, "Stop!", "This garden belongs to Lord Kubera, the treasurer of the Devas..." You can not enter without your permission... '

Bheema saw contempt at the Mirage, "I am a warrior!" I'm doing the right thing. I will not have permission to ask someone what is right... '

The Mirage yelled again, "You're a tiny man!" get out of here before he really fired you!

Bheema let a roar with joy. Unlike his brothers, Bheema did not escape any quarrel. The Mirage fought with it. The Mirage should have found it strange that a man was willing to fight him. Not thinking correctly proved to be the end of the Mirage. Bheema has the short work of mirage. Amazed to see this, the other Rakshasas came forward and struggled with Bheema...

Bheema was, after all, the son of the Wind of God. It is said that his mother had accidentally dropped him shortly after his birth Kunti. She looked into the horror that the baby fell on a big rock... She was in a bigger surprise when the rock broke and the baby lay on the rock as if nothing had happened! After his brother's meeting, Bheema had become stronger than ever before. The Rakshasas Army was not compatible. Bheema just crashed through the army as if they were nothing...

The fear Rakshasas fled to his general Yaksha by the name of Manimantha. Manimantha was huge and was a Yaksha. It meant that he also had the magic and brute force. Angry at what the Rakshasas told him, Manimantha went to meet the savage man.

Bheema was not important when faced with a Yaksha or a mirage. The result was the same... Manimantha saw the outside of the garden with the dead Rakshasas and the Buddhism and attacked angrily Bheema.

The Mirage Army watched with the priming breath the battle between Manimantha and Bheema...

During this time outside the ashram, Draupadi sat anxiously at Bheema to come. Yudhishtar saw her anxiously, "Draupadi!" Why are you so anxious?

Draupadi saw Yudhishtar with a little fear, "it is Bheema!" I sent him to get fragrant flowers... He's not home yet.

Yudhishtar ri, "Draupadi!" I thought you knew Bheema better than that... Do you really think anything can happen...? He is the strongest man in the world... No one can even remotely match him... "Yudhistar said with a sense of pride."

Draupadi nicked always looked anxiously, "I know!" But I sent it a long time ago. I should have come back now!

Yudhishtar smiled and shook his head, "Good!" I'll get him. '

Sara, Yushishtar younger brother came by listening to the whole conversation, "Brother!" I don't think we can go. Why don't you call Ghadothgaja? I'm sure you can find Bheema is a matter of minutes... [Ghadothgaja is a mirage and the son of Bheema and Hidimbi.] It has the power to move in the air and can do magic. Ghadothgaja had given his father and uncles the power he would teach them when they thought of him. [Yudhishtar loved Ghadothgaja more than anyone.]

The eyes of the Yudhishtar lit as he closed his eyes and thought of Ghadothgaja. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the adorable Ghadothgaja before him. Yudhishtar hugs her affectionately. Ghadothgaja fell to his feet, "Uncle!" You called me! What is going on?

Yudhishtar looked Ghadothgaja out, "It's just that Draupadi is anxious for Bheema..." "Yudhishtar says Ghadothgaja everything." Ghadothgaja closed his eyes, trying to feel Bheema. Suddenly he saw himself, opened his eyes. Yudhistar was suddenly alarmed by the expression of Ghadothgaja, "What is it, my son?" something wrong?

Ghadothgaja nods, "Father is in the garden of the Kubera!" I can not feel in this garden... There seems to have been a fight there... '
Draupadi blanched: "Take me here now, please Gadothgaja!" I will plead with Kubera for the life of my husband... It's for me that my husband went there... He said to take the hands of Gatothgaja hard.

Yudhishtar shook his head, "Draupadi!" I still don't think anything can happen to Bheema... "But Draupadi has shaken his head and said angrily," I want to go now! "

Yudhishtar sigh and turned to Ghadothgaja, "Son!" Can you please take us both to the Kubera garden? Gatothgaja nodded and in a matter of minutes they were out of the garden of the Kubera.

Yudhishtar and Draupadi looked around. Draupadi trembling as he saw the dead Rakshasas. What if Bheema too...? Draupadi shook his head vigorously. You should not think about it.... She stepped into the garden unattended and found that Bheema slept in the middle of the garden, surrounded by the flowers Saugandhika!

Close to throwing him a huge Yaksha dead. Almost crying with happiness Draupadi Bheema awake. Bheema! Bheema!

Bheema something woke up, ' Draupadi! What do you have...? He saw Yudhishtar and Ghatothgaja, anxiously looking at him. Stood still confused. "I had a fight... a horrible fight, and then the flowers were so powerless..." I slept A... "Yudhistar looked around him." "What happened?"

Bheema carelessly stirred his hands, "Oh!" They tried to keep me from entering the garden... I guess I shouldn't have done that... '

"Who is this man who...?" Stunned all turned to see a royal Yaksha, which seemed adorned with ornaments from head to toe. The Yaksha studied them and looked especially Bheema. His soldiers were behind him who wore heavy weapons. The Yaksha lifted his hands. The soldiers saw Bheema who had jumped in front of others and saw them all fierce and uncertain as they put their weapons down.

"Who Are you?" The Yaksha asked.

"Yudhishtar Bent," My Lord! "I am the son of Kunti Yudhishtar... and that is... '

The Yaksha looked at the others, "Oh!" You must be Draupadi and Bheema! Everyone's nodding. The Yaksha smiled.

Yudhishtar looked around him, "My Lord!" My brother fought recklessly with this man... ' Yudhishtar said he was watching the huge Yaksha dead. "I'm sorry, my lord!" Traded without thinking... I think it's his general... ' Yudhishtar said he sought the marks of man.

The Yaksha had a strange expression in his face. Slow nods. Yes! Your brother acted without thinking. It must be maintained... Bheema looked furious and ready to jump. Yudhistar has silenced him at a glance. "But you don't have to worry about this Yaksha!" He was cursed by Sage Agastya, to die in the hands of a man... It's just random in your brother's hands.

Yudhistar looked at the Yaksha, "Who Are you sir?"

The Yaksha smiled: "I am Kubera, the treasurer of the Devas!" Yudhishtar and the others seemed unbelieving to each other. "The Yaksha you killed is Manimantha." Kubera sent himself when he saw Bheema, "You got him out of the curse!" I am grateful for it.... He turned to his soldiers. "Ready for a party!" We are among friends... '

Other Pandavas have also come to the palace of the Kubera. There, they appreciated the hospitality of the Kubera. Finally, the Pandavas realized that they had to go to meet Arjuna, who had to come back from the court of Indra. Kubera satisfied the brothers sent a basket full of flowers Saugandhika with Draupadi!

Panchatantra (Origins )

A long time ago a king named Amarshakti, who reigned over the kingdom of Mahilaropya, lived. He was a good man and a very competent steward. The people of his kingdom loved him. The king had three sons-Bahushakti, Ugrashakti and Anantshakti.

The king was very busy in the affairs of the State and could not spend much time with his family. As he grew older, the king decided that he had crowned one of his sons as king after him. He called with his children and talked to them. But after he had spoken to his children, the king was appalled! Their children were not interested in learning anything. Their children will learn nothing of the school or the arts of the Government of the kingdom. The king was discouraged when he saw his children.

The next day he called his Council of Ministers, "minister," said once the meeting started, "there is a problem... a big problem if we do not solve it now...." Since I began to rule the kingdom, it has taken precedence over anything else. I... "Amarshakthi looked at his ministers, I spent all the time for the kingdom..." Now I regret that... I... "The King swallowed", "..." I haven't spent time with my kids. If I had spent more time with them before I would have known how they were.... "The king was calm and shut his eyes." The ministers said nothing...

The king opened his eyes and looked around at his ministers. "They have become bored... and..." The king once again looked at the minister. "How can these people be good people... and much less the right rules...?" The King despaired and closed his eyes again.

One of the ministers said, "Your Majesty!" Education is the only way to eliminate this selflessness....

Yet another minister intervened, "it takes at least twelve years for you to learn the grammar of Sanskrit... and they are real children..." We need to teach them the rules of administration... We don't have much time. The minister looked at the old king and whispered, apologized, "I am sorry, sir!"

The King nods and beckons his hands, "You say the truth, I get older and these kids need to learn quickly..." '

The king heard other ideas, none of them good.... Finally one of the ministers-he said: "Science, politics and diplomacy were boundless and would take their whole life to dominate..." Instead of teaching the scriptures and the texts of the princes, we must teach them wisdom in them... Mr! We could call Vishnu Sharma....

The king sat down and like the other ministers. Vishnu Sharma? Who's there?

Lord is an excellent guru, sir! He can teach Archangel Shastra in the shortest time... '

The other ministers also said, "Yes, sir!" That's a great idea! Vishnu Sharma is well known throughout the Kingdom and is an excellent teacher... '

Looking at his ministers, the king felt a little hope. ' Ask Vishnu Sharma guru to come and see me as soon as possible... '

The next day, Vishnu Sharma came into the royal palace with the Messengers of the Kings. The king received the master with great respect and honored the master.

After the hospitality, the king told the Guru all about his problem. Mr! I don't want to be rude. I'll give you a hundred villages and much more. Teach my Children, sir! The king watched Vishnu Sharma hopelessly.

Vishnu Sharma smiled and shook his head. Mr! I never sell knowledge for money! But... "Vishnu Sharma said, putting on the slain king," I will teach the Princes.... " "I will accept the challenge and will.

The king saw Vishnu Sharma with happiness, "if you can do it sir, I'll do it..." '

Vishnu Sharma cut the king with a wave of his hands, "I want to speak with your children, sir!"

rejoiced, the king called his children. Vishnu Sharma spoke to the children for a while. The king watched. Looking at the altruistic way in which his children answered, the king was sure that Vishnu Sharma would leave the palace without taking the job.

Finally Vishnu Sharma finished talking and sent the children away. Then he went to Amarshakthi and said, "Your Majesty!" Don't be afraid! I take the teachings of your children! I'll show you everything you need to know and also in six months!
The king saw Vishnu Sharma with tears in his eyes. "Lord, if you do this, I will give you what you want...." Why I go to... '

Vishnu Sharma has cut the king for the second time, "Your Majesty!" I'm an old man. You don't need to waste money on me. I'm doing this job because it defies me! Your kids... are smart... just bored.... I will make my stories interesting and present them well. Yes... "Vishnu Sharma has said, with conviction, I do not teach his children in six months, I will change my name..." '

The king looked at Vishnu Sharma with faith, but he knew enough of human nature to reach when a man spoke with absolute conviction and believed in what he said. The King nods. Vishnu Sharma looked at the king and said again, "Send the Princes with me to my hermitage." I'll show you there... '

The King nods and made preparations for the prince's journey the next day.

Vishnu Sharma was busy thinking he was lying in the royal bed that night. These princes cannot be taught by conventional education. I have to teach you the stories in a simple way. Probably the use of animals and teach you the moral... and teach you the art of the administration of the kingdom according to your father...

The next day, the princes and their guru went to their hermitage. During the teachings of the princes, Vishnu Sharma compiled the Panchatantra books based on the animal stories. [In Sanskrit ' Pancha ' signifie five et ' tantra ' signifie ' principes ']. Most of the stories were written by Vishnu Sharma himself. But some stories were a thousand years older and Vishnu Sharma embodies these stories in the most important story.

The Panchatantra is a collection of short stories under five headings-Mitra Bhedha [the loss of friends]; Mitra Samprapti [How to earn friends]; Kakolukiyam [of Owls and crows]; Labdha Prasanam [loss of gain] and Aparikshita Karakam [Impulse]

Vishnu Sharma told the stories so that each story collection began with a story woven along with other stories in history. Each story gave a vision of politics and practical wisdom that the essence or moral of the story was always similar to what a person faces in everyday life.

Taught in such a way, the princes heard every story with great interest and astonishment. In no time, the three princes became very competent in politics and were able to be administrators.

After six months, when the children returned to the kingdom, the king was surprised to see how much the prince had picked up in a short period of six months! Although he tried to give gifts to the guru who rejected him, Vishnu Sharma became popular throughout the kingdom.

The stories of Panchatantra are not only relevant that day, but it still holds well now!

The beginning of the Sanskrit Panchatantra is as follows:
"All the secular wisdom and inner meaning of life, which was written somewhere in every book, was compressed in the five books of the list of Vishnu Sharma!"


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Frozen Full Movie 2013 | Kristen Bell, Josh Gad, Jonathan Groff | Kids Movies click here to watch and download for free

Frozen tells the story of two sisters: Elsa: The elder sister, Elsa, possesses magical powers to create and control ice and snow. Anna:...