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Showing posts with label the Chinese mythical Confucius(Karma-REST). Show all posts
Showing posts with label the Chinese mythical Confucius(Karma-REST). Show all posts

Sunday, 29 July 2018

The Chinese mythical Confucius (Karma-REST) .Latest NEW stories Click Here..

One man went to the Chinese mythical Confucius and said, "Sir! I'm so tired of life. I had a lot of things to do. I want to rest now. Whatever the way to relax. If I have a rest, my life will be comforted. I believe that only the great ones like you can show the way to it. "
Confucius heard all that the man said. Nothing speaks. He got up and came along with him. Both walked a bit. Confucius does not speak anyway. The person running along is confusing. Where does this person take it without talking to you? He was amazed. Conifuffious Aunt walked some distance. Showing the opposite cemetery. That person does not understand anything. "Why did you bring me to the cemetery? Why are you doing that? " Confucius "is resting in the cemetery. Only in the grave. Peace or want to die. Everyday life is completely opposed to rest. Karma and rest are opposite to each other. The ritual is not resting. Work meaning to life. Resting to life is the opposite. Do you want life Want death Telcuko. There is rest in death. "
The guy listened to him and bored. I am totally against the Confucius. Death to life is not the opposite. Death is the last stop to life. Death will not rest. The untouchability of death is also in death. Obsessed. Death is not against life. That is the essence of life. It is not right to say that there is only a ritual in life and not a rest. Karma is related to the external world. It relates to the body. Karma is inevitable as far as the deity is concerned about the outside world.
Work is essential. But man is not just the body. The man does not have the same body. Inside is the soul. Existential. Conscious. They are resting places. He is the Existent Center who manages his external karma in full
Would. There he will rest. There are duals in life. Are in nature. Night, day and day will work. Take a rest at night. The man has the body. The Spirit is there. The body carries the ritual. The soul relaxes.


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