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Showing posts with label Swami Vivekananda ( Secret of Work ) UNIT -III. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Swami Vivekananda ( Secret of Work ) UNIT -III. Show all posts

Monday, 18 September 2017

Swami Vivekananda ( Secret of Work ) UNIT -III ,II

The world is full of misery and physical help alone cannot cure it. Until and unless the nature of manchanges, the misery cannot be completely eliminated by any physical help. In his opinion, the only soluis to make people free of misery, people pure, spiritually strong and educated. Then only misery will stop in the world.
Swami Vivekananda describes the kind of work as the mixture of good and evil. Good and evil both make a chain that connects Alma. We must work with a spirit of non-attachment to him so that we can work as a teacher and not as a slave. After the Bhagavad Gita we have to work constantly, but we must not stick to it. Every work we do, every movement of our body and every thought we think about leaving an impression on the mind. They work in the subconscious and ultimately determine our character. It's called Samskara.
He likened the man to the turtle. The turtle will be in the feet, the head in the shell, and will not come out even if you break the shell into pieces. In the same way, the character of the man who has control over his thoughts and facts would remain as an established, immutable character. He controls his own powers and nothing can take him against his will.
Through this continuous reflection of good thoughts and good impressions, which is on the surface of the mind, the tendency to do well will be stronger. As a result, we will be able to control the Indriyas (sensory organs). This is how the character of Man is formed and only a man of character can get the truth.
He pointed out a theory that did not plant in work because good work and bad work make the soul stick to work. He makes us work as slaves, not as a teacher. Once we separate ourselves from the work of the selfish slave, we can receive love and be free. Real life makes us "separate".
The two main ways in which we can work without waiting for something, in return, are to love the world and become a donor without any thought feedback. Attachment only comes when we wait for a return.
Swami Vivekananda said: «Work, but do not let the act or think produce a deep impression on your mind.» He says that the Lord himself works incessantly, but never without attachment.


Is Progress Real?

The essay "Is Real Progress" is written by William Durant. He believes that it is dye of evil with good in our advances in science and technology. We invent a lot of things that give us comfort. But we use them to make crimes easier and to kill others. Modern people have not used comfort and amenities in a meaningful way.
Modern men have found various methods in modern medicine that are useful for cures and incisions for various diseases. We welcome your efforts if you do not bring any worse side effects than the disease. We are grateful for the added years that medical science gives us, if they are not serious extensions of illness, disability and sadness. Now we have developed to signal the events of the day and the planet, but we envy the peace of our ancestors.
We are unable to abandon the instincts of struggle and to worsen our civilisation in greed, crime and promiscuity. To avoid them, there must be moral and ethical development among people. We must not ask for progress to be made. There are obviously failures, just as there are times of failure, fatigue and recovery in an evolving individual. We must take all these steps. In ancient times there was a high rate of infant mortality. But now we are able to prolong our lives. Our advances in science have helped us grow enough food and send hundreds of grains of wheat to the needy nations.
Some valuable achievements such as fire-making, wheel and other basic tools, language, arts, agriculture, family and parental care, social organization and the use of teachings, tradition of conveying the family and race are some of the Elements of civilization and those maintained by the passage from one civilization to another.

Durant realizes the valuable benefits of the spread of higher education. If education is the transfer of civilization, we will progress. For each child to have education up to at least his twentieth year, and there must be free access to universities, libraries and museums giving information on ancient heritage and culture. This knowledge helps to broaden the understanding of man, the control of the environment, the decorating and the enjoyment of life.


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