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Showing posts with label HOW KYLIE JENNER BECAME ARMENIAN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label HOW KYLIE JENNER BECAME ARMENIAN. Show all posts

Friday, 7 September 2018


When the Kardashians were selling us their brand of exotic beauty, a key refrain was the "Armenian" edge to their beauty.
Their father, Robert Kardashian was Armenian and it is from his side of the family that the first three girls of the clan get their exotic beauty.
This is the message behind what they sold: the public images of dark sexy genes that are foreign to the Caucasian race: their long dark locks, their pout and olive skin, their luscious curves and attendant impossibly huge behinds. Everything about them was the opposite of the waif-nature of beauty that most Americans are used to. Beauty as represented by Paris Hilton: slim, blonde and athletic.
And it sold. By the billions. As evidenced in the number of women that embraced contouring because Kim did it. Or announced they now loved their ample behind because the Kardashian girls flaunted theirs in nude photos. Or by how their bouncy thick black curls with centre parts spawned a billion dollar industry of hair extensions as worn by Kourtney, Kim and Khloe. Yes, I am talking hair with different nationalities: Indian Hair, Brazilian Hair, Peruvian Hair etc.
Now, my curiosity is aroused when Kylie begins to look Armenian and exotic. When Kylie begins to look exactly like Kim, the most Armenian of them all (according to the K-Script).
Kylie is NOT Armenian. Not by any stretch. Her father is the very American Bruce Jenner and already too American Kris Jenner. In other words, there should be nothing exotic or resembling Armenian in Kylie's beauty.
However, Google "similarities between Kim and Kylie" and the resemblance is striking. The new and improved Kylie, I mean.
It seems that Kylie didn't like the face and body she was born with and has reportedly spent anywhere between $20,000 to $200,000 in plastic surgery to look like big step sister Kim.
Here's the thing: present-day Kim's face is not the face she was born with either!
Which now begs the question: how exotic and "Armenian" is the Kardashian beauty in the first place?
If Kylie and Kim look virtually like twins, then the Kardashian beauty is store-bought, not exotic by Armenian standards.
There are ugly people in Armenia, by the way. As there are ugly people anywhere in the world.
As are average-looking people everywhere you turn.
So before you're tempted to beat yourself for not looking as flawless as the Kardashian-Jenner Klan looks after a battalion of makeup artists, a calvary of hair stylists and two artillery groups of photoshop experts try to perfect what a SWAT team of the world's most expensive plastic surgeons didn't quite get right in the OR, remember, you're just as stunning as the next reality star with a K name



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