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Showing posts with label JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE. Show all posts

Monday, 21 August 2017


                                                       JAGADISH CHANDRA BOSE

What happens if you take a rich magistrate's son and make him learn in a village school sitting besides the sons of servants and fishermen? He'll hear tales of birds and animals that make him curious about Nature. And that makes him one of India's first scientists - Jagdish Chandra Bose.
Botanist and physicist Jagadish Chandra Bose was born in Munshiganj, India (now in Bangladesh)on November 30, 1858. He was educated first at the village school in Faridpur, where his  father was a magistrate, Bhagwan Chandra Bose. Later he migrated to St. Xavier’s College, Calcutta at the age of thirteen. There he met Father Eugene Lafont, who was very interested in promoting modern science in India. He later went to the UK, where he got degrees from the universities of Cambridge and London. He also met Prafulla Chandra Ray, another pioneer of Indian science.
 He came back and was made a Professor of Physics at Presidency College on the Viceroy's recommendation. However, the principal and other faculty, who were White, were very racially biased against him and gave only an acting appointment. He was offered one-third the salary of the school's white professors, and in protest at this slight he took no salary at all for several years. They denied him any laboratory facilities, but he carried on his research work, buying equipment with his own salary.
He remained at Presidency for his entire career, where he assembled the first modern scientific research facilities in Indian academia. He conducted landmark research of the response of plant and animal life to stimuli including electricity, light, sound, and touch, and showed how water and sap in plants and trees is elevated from roots due to capillary action. He invented the crescograph, an early oscillating recorder using clockwork gears to measure the growth and movements of plants in increments as small as 1/100,000 of an inch. His 1902 paper "Responses in the Living and Non-living" showed that plant and animal tissues share a similar electric-impulse response to all forms of stimulation, a finding which challenged conventional science of the time, and also showed that even inanimate objects — certain rocks and metals — have similar responses. In a 1907 paper Bose established the electro transmission of excitation in plant and animal tissues, and showed that plants respond to sound, by growing more quickly in an environment of gentle speech or soft music, and growing more poorly when subjected to harsh speech or loud music.
Prior to his plant and animal experiments, Bose spent several years experimenting with electromagnetic waves, and conducted successful wireless signaling experiments in Calcutta in 1895. The invention of radio is usually credited to G. Marconi, but a comparison of their records suggests that at certain points of Bose's radio research, he was about a year ahead of the Italian scientist. In Marconi's first wireless trans-oceanic transmission in 1901 a mercury auto coherer was a key component of the receiving device, and while Marconi made no acknowledgment of Bose at the time, subsequent research has shown that Marconi's auto coherer was a near-exact replica of a mechanism invented by Bose, who explained it in detail in a demonstration at the Royal Society of London two years earlier.
Bose was the first Indian scientist to be widely respected as an equal in the halls of western science. When he demonstrated his mechanisms for generating and detecting radio waves in a January 1897 lecture before the Royal Institution in London, it was the first such lecture given by an Indian. He was elevated to knighthood in 1917, and in 1920 he became the first Indian elected to membership in the prestigious Royal Society. Bose, who came from a fairly affluent family, had no particular interest in the profit potential of his work, and refused to file patent claims. A patent was filed by friends in Bose's name for his 1901 invention of a solid-state diode detector to detect electromagnetic waves.
He founded the Bose Research Institute in Calcutta in 1917, which continues to conduct scientific research. He was a contemporary and friend of the poet Rabindranath Tagore. In 1937, Dr. Jagdish Chandra Bose breathed his last. In the pages of history are recorded the glorious achievements of many great men whom the world recognises, loves and respects. Such men prove to be a true asset not only to their own countries but also to the world. Their lives become a message and a source of inspiration for generations to come.
Dr. Jagdish Chandra Bose was one such personality who became immortal in the field of science. He was not only a scientist par excellence, but also a warm human being and a modest personality. Dr. Jagdish Chandra Bose was worthy and illustrious son of our motherland whom the nation feels proud of. He brought various laurels to our country. Immense hard working capacity, patience and simplicity were hall­marks of his personality. Dr. Jagdish Chandra Bose was a creative and imaginative scientist, a connoisseur of literature and a great lover of nature.
 ABOUT :  Sir  Chandra Bose was born in Bikrampur, Bengal, now Munshiganj district of Bangladesh, on the 30th. His father, Bhagawan Chandra Bose, was a Brahmo and leader of the Brahmo Samaj and worked as deputy judge/deputy of the Commissioner at Faridpur, Bardhaman and elsewhere. His family was created in the village of Rarikhal, Bikrampur, in the present-day district of DayMunshiganj, Bangladesh.
Bose's education began in a native school because his father believed that he had to get to know his native language before the English, and that people also had to be acquainted with them. [citation needed] At the Bikrampur conference in 1915, Bose spoke: "At that time sending children to English schools was a symbol of noble status." In the vernacular school that I was sent, the son of the Muslim assistant of my father sits on my right side, and the son of a fisherman sitting on my left. They were my friends. I heard their stories of birds, animals and aquatic creatures. Perhaps these stories in my mind have created a deep interest in examining the functioning of nature. When I came home with my classmates from school, my mother greeted us and fed us all without discrimination. Although she was an orthodox and old-fashioned woman, she was never considered guilty of piety in treating these "Untouchables" as her own children. It was because of my childhood friendship with them that I never felt that there were "creatures" that could be labeled "low-casting." I never realized that there was a "problem" that was common to both Hindu and Muslim communities.
Bose joined Hare School in 1869, then at St. Xavier's School in Kolkata. In 1875, he received the entrance (equivalent to the school's graduation) from the University of Calcutta and was admitted to St. Xavier's College in Calcutta. In St. Xavier, Bose came into contact with Jesuit Father Eugene Font, who played an important role in the development of his interest in the natural sciences. He obtained a license at the University of Calcutta in 1879.
Bose wanted to go to England to compete with the Indian public administration. However, his father, an official himself, has canceled the plan. He wanted his son to be a scholar who "would not govern anyone, but himself". [citation needed] Bose studied medicine at the University of London. However, he had to give up because of poor health. The smell in the rooms section is also said to have aggravated his illness.
Thanks to the recommendation of Anand Mohan, his brother-in-law (sister-husband) and the first Indian cowboy, he was admitted to the College of Christ, Cambridge, to study natural sciences. He received the natural science trips from the University of Cambridge and a BSc from the University of London in 1884. Among the masters of Bose in Cambridge were Lord Rayleigh, Michael Foster, James Dewar, Francis Darwin, Francis Balfour and Sidney Vines. By the time Bose was a student in Cambridge, Martine Chandra Roy was a student in Edinburgh. They met in London and became close friends.
On the second day of a two-day seminar, which took place on the occasion of the 150 existence of the company on 28 and 29 July, the Asian company, Professor Denisa Ramos, director of the Bose Institute, said in Calcutta in his address that he had personally I Checked the Cambridge University registry to confirm the fact that in addition to the courage, he received a master's degree also from him in 1884. 
Radio Research
The British theoretical physicist James Clerk Maxwell predicts mathematically the existence of different wavelengths of electromagnetic waves, but he died in 1879 before his prediction was experimentally tested. The British physicist Oliver Lodge demonstrated the existence of Maxwell's waves, which were connected to the wires in 1887-88. The German physicist Heinrich Hertzshowed experimental, in 1888, the existence of electromagnetic waves in open space. Subsequently, the Lodge continued the work of Hertz and presented it in June 1894 (after Hertz's death) and published it in the form of a book. The work of the lodge has attracted the attention of scientists in various countries, including Bose in India.

The first notable aspect of Bose microwave tracking research was that it reduces the waves at the millimeter level (about 5 mm wavelength). He noticed the disadvantages of long waves for researching his properties as light.
In 1893, Nikola Tesla showed the first public radio communication. A year later, at a public protest in November 1894 (or 1895) in Kolkata City Council, Bose has ignited the powder and ranked a distance bell with waves of millimeters range. Lieutenant Governor Sir William Mackenzie witnessed the Bose demonstration at the Kolkata City Council. Bose wrote in a Bengali essay, Adrisya (Invisible Light), "invisible light can easily be through brick walls, buildings, etc." ", so messages can be transmitted through them without transmitting wires." In Russia, Popov has carried out similar experiments. In December 1895, Popov's records show that he was waiting for a distant signal with radio waves.

The first scientific role of Bose, "about the polarization of electric rays through double-broken crystals" was communicated to the Asian Society of Bengal in May of 1895, in a year of the role of the lodge. His second work was communicated to the Royal Society of London by Lord Rayleigh in October 1895. In December 1895, the London-based newspaper The Electrician (Vol. 36) published the role of Bose, "in a new electro-polariscope". At that time, the lodge was invented, used in the English-speaking world for receivers or radio wave detectors. The electrician has easily commented on the Bose Cohererr. (December 1895). English (January 18, 1896) quoted the electrician and commented as follows: "If Professor Bose succeeds perfectly and patent his" cotherer, "in time we will be able to revolutionize the entire system of coastal lighting in the entire navigable world" by A Bengali scientist works alone in our laboratory at the University of the presidency.

Bose planned to "perfect his coherer", but never thought of patenting it.

In May 1897, two years after the Bose public demonstration in Calcutta, Marconi led its wireless signalling on the Salisbury Plain. Bose went to London on a conference tour in 1896 and met Marconi, who conducts wireless experiments for the British post office. In an interview, Bose expressed his interest in commercial telegraphy and suggested that others use his research work. In 1899, Bose announced the development of an iron-mercury iron COHERERR with telephone detector in an article presented in the Royal Society, London.

The demonstration of Bose's remote wireless signaling takes precedence over Marconi. He was the first to use a semi-conductor joint to detect radio waves, and he invented several now common microwave components. In 1954, Pearson and Brattain, Bose gave priority to using a semiconductor crystal as a radio wave detector. Further work on millimeter wavelengths was almost non-existent for almost 50 years. In 1897, Bose described the royal bearer of London his research carried out in Calcutta at wavelengths of millimeters. It has used D's, horn antennas, DK lenses, different polarization, and even semiconductors at frequencies as high as 60 GHz; Most of its original equipment is still available, now at the Bose Institute in Kolkata. A 1.3 mm multi beam receiver, now used in the 12-metre NRAO telescope in Arizona, includes concepts from its original 1897 documents.

Sir Nevill, Nobel Prize in 1977 for his own contributions to solid state electronics, he explained that "JC Bose had at least 60 years before his time" and "in fact, he had expected the existence of P-type and N-type semiconductors."

Plant Research:

Bose's next contribution to science was the physiology of the plant. He transferred a theory for the rise of SAP in the works 1927, his theory contributed to the vital theory of the rise of SAP. According to their theory, the electromechanical pulse of the living cells was responsible for the rise of SAP in plants.

He was skeptical about the time, and yet the most popular theory for the rise of SAP, the stress-cohesion theory of Dixon and Joly, first proposed in 1894. The "CP theory" proposed by canned in 1995 validates this skepticism. Experimentally appeared strangely in living cells at the intersection of Endodermis.
In his research on herbal stimuli, Bose showed with the help of his newly invented crescograph that the plants reacted to various stimuli as if they had nervous system like animals. As a result, he found a parallel between the animal and plant tissues. His experiments showed that plants in pleasant music grow faster and their growth in noise or heavy sound is delayed. This was verified experimentally later. [citation needed]
His greatest contribution in the field of biophysics was the demonstration of the electrical character of the implementation of various stimuli (e.g. wounds, chemical agents) in plants that were previously regarded as nature. Chemical. These statements were then experimentally tested by Wilden et al. (Nature, 1992, 360, 62 – 65). He was also the first to examine the action of microwaves in plant tissue and the corresponding changes in the potential of cell membranes. Examines the mechanism of seasonal effects on plants, the effect of chemical inhibitors on herbal stimuli, the effect of temperature, etc. From analyzing the potential variation of cell membranes of plants under different circumstances, it derived the requirement that plants "feel pain, understand affection, etc."
Electrical reaction in metals
JC Bose was the first physicist to study the inorganic matter (metals and certain rocks) in the same way that a biologist began to examine a muscle or nerve. It has subjected metals to different types of stimuli — mechanical, thermal, chemical and electric. He noted that all kinds of stimuli produce an exciting variety in them. And this excitement is sometimes expressed in a visible form of change, and sometimes not; But the disturbance generated by the stimulus is always displayed in an electrical response. He then put plants and animal tissues to different types of stimulation and also found that they also give an electrical response. In the observation that a universal reaction has brought together metals, plants and animals according to a common law, it then conducted an investigation into the changes in the reaction that occur under different conditions. found that all (metals and living tissues) stunned by the cold, poisoned by alcohol, stunned by overwork, amazed by anesthesia, excited by electric currents, stung by bodily blows and killed by poison-everything you Essentially the same phenomena of fatigue and depression, as well as the possibilities of healing and collection, but also of permanent irresponsiveness that are associated with death-all are sensitive or insensitive in the same conditions and in Same way. Research has shown that in all reactions phenomena (including metals, plants and animals) there is no rupture of continuity; That "the vivid answer in all its various changes is only a repetition of the reactions in the inorganic" and that the phenomena of the answer "are determined not by the play of an unknown and arbitrary vitality, but by the Work of the laws who "she knows the change that operates in a just and uniform manner in all organic and inorganic matter."
Science fiction
In 1896, Bose wrote Niruddesher KAHINI, the first great work of Bangla science fiction. Later he added the story in the book of Abyakta as the lumps of Tuphan. It was the first fictionwriter of the Bengali language.


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