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Showing posts with label Jackal and War Drum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jackal and War Drum. Show all posts

Monday, 13 November 2017

Jackal and War Drum ,The crow and the pitchar TOP MOST MORAL Story For KIDS

Jackal and War Drum Story 

Once there was a dense forest that lived a jackal. One day I was very hungry and I was looking for food. In search of food, he found a battlefield. There he saw a large drum lying under a tree. As the wind blew, there was a sound that struck the trunk of the tree with the drum. He wanted to go with fear, but he thought he should be careful to seek the source of this sound.

The Jackal beats with his paws before. The drum made noise. Well, the Jackal thought it could be another little beast in the drum and that would make a very tasty meal for him. Because I was so hungry. He tried a lot with his paws and teeth to tear the drum, but in vain.

At that moment, a leopard went down while he was looking for his food. He drew attracted by the sound of the drum, approached him. He saw the Jackal and said he was going to kill you. The Jackal said to the leopard: "Darling, please let me and I give you a good meal instead of me." There's a pig hidden in the drum. If you break this drum and kill the pig, you have a delicious meal. Say that this jackal has disappeared from the place.

The leopard struck the upper part of the drum with its pointed legs. The drum exploded with a sound, but there was no animal inside. The drum was empty. Looking at the empty drum, the leopard became very angry and said to the Jackal: "You have wasted my time." There is no food in the drum. So I'm going to kill and eat. He saw there was no jackal. He continued his search for food, and near the drum he found enough food.
The crow and the pitchar
A raven lived in a dense forest. It was a hot summer day. There was no water in the forest. The raven was very thirsty. He flew from one place to another in search of water, but he could not find it anywhere. He was very sad and disappointed not to get a drop of it.

He finally saw a pot. He flew into the pot and sat on his edge. When he stretched his beak to quench his thirst, he saw that the water was just on the ground.

His beak could not reach such a low water level. He even tried to dump the boat, but he couldn't do that. It was too hard for him to move.

When he flew desperately, he thought of a plan. Suddenly his eyes fell on extended pebbles near the glass. He flew to them, picked up the Pebble one after the other and left them in the-. He's done it continuously.

Slowly and slowly the water level rose and approached the neck. The Raven was pleased to see. He dropped his beak, extinguished the thirst and flew away.

Moral: Where there is a will, there is a way.



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