The silent Vikrama went back to the tree and took the body out of the tree and walked in the silence as he walked in silence. Then the obedience of the corpse, "Raja, I am surprised if you look at the power to endure this night, as you are in a terrible graveyard. Such roles in the rulers of the ruler of the country are not common, but not the end. If the country is to be effective and to give it a blessing in a calm environment, it is not enough just for persevering and courageous adventures, what sustainable statesman and acumen need. The king has all the good qualities, the stable Rajnithi, the story of the truth of the truth that is lacking in the classroom, and the lack of labor. "
His only son, Satyapala, became the king after the sudden death of Chandrakapallu, who ruled the country. In the days of the king, he noticed the realities of the country and was condemned. In the lunar day lunarapadu, most of the rulers left hands in the hands of the luxury. Testifying to the possibility of creating corruption, the bribery and corruption of the authorities became prevalent.
satya_1The internal conditions of the country, and also from foreign countries have been faced with problems. On the east side of Chandam, there is a bilademan that feels like the Chandana country. For generations it is a subordinate country. Jayasena, who is now ruling the country, is bringing the news to the news that he is trying for independence. In the east, there is a glorious country in the east of the country. Mihirai is the pride of the party, the Chandrakumar brings anarchy in the country to the possibility of bringing the country to the hope of bringing reliable news.
satya_2Satyabhyasu, who ruled the throne between these lashes, was once a minister of the Maharaja Kevalabhata.
"Maharaja! We must give greater priority to foreign issues rather than internal problems. In that case, we will be the kingdom. There is only one way to solve all the problems in the pinch! "
"What is it?" Said the truth.
"Mihiruddhi is the only child of a girl child. If you marry her, all the disadvantages will be broken up. If we want to see the strength of our grown up, Bhai jayesena wants to be independent, we want him to die and we can add that country to our country! "
The truth is amazing, "How is that possible, great? If there is a prodigy inside, the original warperson does not exist. "
It is true that in the moment, he was not that idea, Maharaja! But the bride's idea is that the bride's idea is the same. Let us tell her the same thought as we heard it! That's all right. "
Truths silence a moment and smile, "Do not you tell me about the pride you have given me about the thoughts of madness and about her pride?"
The minister stunned the question, "That is true, Maharaja! But she is still a little child. "
The answer to that answer smiled smile, and ended up with the minister.
satya_3Thinking of what is the solution to the problems surrounding him, with a mind of intellect, one day he went out on horseback alone to meet his mentor, who was a devotee of Satyapala and Kachanagiri.
The gurukalilam is still a little distant, one of the leopard gently scratched from the shrine, and the Truth swept the horse. The horse is afraid of the truth and the truth, but after the wind, the sound came from a nearby sound. Hearing the sound, the knight got up and pulled a tree.
satya_5The Truth has identified the sound. It is a silly sound that can be used to crush the horses of the horse! As soon as he understood that, he realized that he had entered the similarities of the Billa Raja and slowly saw the surroundings.
Meanwhile, a young man who was wearing a bow and bow and bows, approached a smile with a smile. When the truth saw him, he questioned, "Do you have a knife with a mouth and have a horse control?"
The young man leaned on the way, with the hoarse voice, "You are very tired. Come back for a while, just come! "Then he went back to the trees.
He was astonished by the character of the young man and the voice of his voice, and he sat under a tree that smiled and smiled. Shortly afterwards, the young man brought some sweet fruit in one hand and brought water into one of his hands and gave him the truth.
The truth says, "I'm happy with these things you do and remember me. If it comes to me, I will get a good job in my courtroom. "
The young man smiled short and said, "I'm guilty of my own, that is! There is no need for it, I'll come back! "
Immediately the Truth was angry and said, "Am I a sovereign, you know that you are a viable country and you speak these words?"
The young man stopped and said, "I know that Jayasena's daughter was identified as a gentleman! I tried to provoke me to test me so well. "
The truth smiled on those words, "It's all right, Kirtisena! The hoarse voice, the pride does not make me feel good. "He stood up and said," I'll go! "
Gladysana is a moment, and then wait a little. Come along with me. "
satya_4Both of them walked for a while and reached a place where they had been reading well. There is a sixth power source of black sand.
We are worshiped as Swarupakti goddess. If this goddess blesses, all the chakras split, our strong faith! "
Satya Kallu, a devotee of the devotee, devoted himself to the capital, saying that he would meet on the same day after two masas.
From that very day onwards, the bosses were named as corruptors by his command. Soldiers led the team to capture all kinds of thieves in the country where the sailors were arrested and imprisoned.
Two months have passed. As told by the Truth, he met the glorification of the male garment on the outskirts of Bhiladevi.
He said to her, "Glory! All my faults are broken up by the Selfish Goddess. I'm okay to you that I am so honored. I want to come to my kingdom and decorate the queen and make me a little debt free. "
Rather than reputation, In the next few days, the heroine, the heroine, met the truth with many presents and asked him to marry his sisters. The truth is accepted.
Within a few days, Kirtisena and Satyaprasa were married.
As the end of the wedding culmination ended, Mamagari also escorted the army, invaded the Maharajah, and satan.
satya_6Lost in the battle as a fiendish tree, meet Satya, and say, "Nayana Sathiyapala! I do not have any hope on the lost kingdom. But, the only daughter of me for me is a madman. I beg you to accept her as a queen. "
The truth was accepted and married to the madman.
Later, Adi Shraddhamma was appointed as a vassal, and Keerthi Senana returned to the country where he was traveling.
The devotee told this story and said, "Raja, because of his father's blessings, the truth is that the truth in the king's situation is not the truth. There is no need for dynamism. If you have a persistent, busy job. In the manner of behaving towards the Parasajas, a stabilization of the state of the constitution is required. That is not true. As Chandrakupadu's fancy, Satyapallu can be a danger to Rajini's error and his successor. An example of his insecure nature is the way he behaves in the matter of moderation. She refused to tell her that she would marry herself, and she behaved like another poem in Kirtisena. If the pony was refusing to be an arrogant, she took her too. If all this is seen, if the father is disqualified from the state due to one, does the Truth be disqualified for another reason? If you do not know the answer to these questions, your head will break. "
Vikrama replied, "The truth is that all things are right for the rulership of the kingdom, and we can decide what he has done since coming to power. Apart from intriguing problems, the advice of the Minister of Kelabhata to give greater importance to the problems that the neighboring kings are creating, is his royalty and his quarreling. Envoy lakhs to the king It earns the king a stable and ungodliness. The truth is that it is true that the truth of corruption in government employees and the anarchy in the country has been suppressed. Bailaraj Jayaseena wanted his country independence, but the king did not intend to kneel the country in the eyes of the public. Praising Himself to the truth, He took Him to His God, indirectly informing Him. Hence he refused to marry, and refused to marry,
Asking you to ask questions is a good idea to get rid of the questions. The pride of the arrogant, though he is fond of the truth, Father's war effort did not come. This means that she has the idea of winning the truth in her father's war and giving her a gift. However, as the paradox became evident, the father was forced to marry him by praying for the prayer of truth.
When Satyapatthi came to the royal government, he is not only a great politician but the influence of the circumstances and the intellectual understanding of human relationships and the vivacious Vivek that is in accordance with it. "
When the king was so silent, the obedience of the odor was crippled, and then again he broke.

satya_1The internal conditions of the country, and also from foreign countries have been faced with problems. On the east side of Chandam, there is a bilademan that feels like the Chandana country. For generations it is a subordinate country. Jayasena, who is now ruling the country, is bringing the news to the news that he is trying for independence. In the east, there is a glorious country in the east of the country. Mihirai is the pride of the party, the Chandrakumar brings anarchy in the country to the possibility of bringing the country to the hope of bringing reliable news.
satya_2Satyabhyasu, who ruled the throne between these lashes, was once a minister of the Maharaja Kevalabhata.
"Maharaja! We must give greater priority to foreign issues rather than internal problems. In that case, we will be the kingdom. There is only one way to solve all the problems in the pinch! "
"What is it?" Said the truth.
"Mihiruddhi is the only child of a girl child. If you marry her, all the disadvantages will be broken up. If we want to see the strength of our grown up, Bhai jayesena wants to be independent, we want him to die and we can add that country to our country! "
The truth is amazing, "How is that possible, great? If there is a prodigy inside, the original warperson does not exist. "
It is true that in the moment, he was not that idea, Maharaja! But the bride's idea is that the bride's idea is the same. Let us tell her the same thought as we heard it! That's all right. "
Truths silence a moment and smile, "Do not you tell me about the pride you have given me about the thoughts of madness and about her pride?"
The minister stunned the question, "That is true, Maharaja! But she is still a little child. "
The answer to that answer smiled smile, and ended up with the minister.
satya_3Thinking of what is the solution to the problems surrounding him, with a mind of intellect, one day he went out on horseback alone to meet his mentor, who was a devotee of Satyapala and Kachanagiri.
The gurukalilam is still a little distant, one of the leopard gently scratched from the shrine, and the Truth swept the horse. The horse is afraid of the truth and the truth, but after the wind, the sound came from a nearby sound. Hearing the sound, the knight got up and pulled a tree.
satya_5The Truth has identified the sound. It is a silly sound that can be used to crush the horses of the horse! As soon as he understood that, he realized that he had entered the similarities of the Billa Raja and slowly saw the surroundings.
Meanwhile, a young man who was wearing a bow and bow and bows, approached a smile with a smile. When the truth saw him, he questioned, "Do you have a knife with a mouth and have a horse control?"
The young man leaned on the way, with the hoarse voice, "You are very tired. Come back for a while, just come! "Then he went back to the trees.
He was astonished by the character of the young man and the voice of his voice, and he sat under a tree that smiled and smiled. Shortly afterwards, the young man brought some sweet fruit in one hand and brought water into one of his hands and gave him the truth.
The truth says, "I'm happy with these things you do and remember me. If it comes to me, I will get a good job in my courtroom. "
The young man smiled short and said, "I'm guilty of my own, that is! There is no need for it, I'll come back! "
Immediately the Truth was angry and said, "Am I a sovereign, you know that you are a viable country and you speak these words?"
The young man stopped and said, "I know that Jayasena's daughter was identified as a gentleman! I tried to provoke me to test me so well. "
The truth smiled on those words, "It's all right, Kirtisena! The hoarse voice, the pride does not make me feel good. "He stood up and said," I'll go! "
Gladysana is a moment, and then wait a little. Come along with me. "
satya_4Both of them walked for a while and reached a place where they had been reading well. There is a sixth power source of black sand.
We are worshiped as Swarupakti goddess. If this goddess blesses, all the chakras split, our strong faith! "
Satya Kallu, a devotee of the devotee, devoted himself to the capital, saying that he would meet on the same day after two masas.
From that very day onwards, the bosses were named as corruptors by his command. Soldiers led the team to capture all kinds of thieves in the country where the sailors were arrested and imprisoned.
Two months have passed. As told by the Truth, he met the glorification of the male garment on the outskirts of Bhiladevi.
He said to her, "Glory! All my faults are broken up by the Selfish Goddess. I'm okay to you that I am so honored. I want to come to my kingdom and decorate the queen and make me a little debt free. "
Rather than reputation, In the next few days, the heroine, the heroine, met the truth with many presents and asked him to marry his sisters. The truth is accepted.
Within a few days, Kirtisena and Satyaprasa were married.
As the end of the wedding culmination ended, Mamagari also escorted the army, invaded the Maharajah, and satan.
satya_6Lost in the battle as a fiendish tree, meet Satya, and say, "Nayana Sathiyapala! I do not have any hope on the lost kingdom. But, the only daughter of me for me is a madman. I beg you to accept her as a queen. "
The truth was accepted and married to the madman.
Later, Adi Shraddhamma was appointed as a vassal, and Keerthi Senana returned to the country where he was traveling.

Vikrama replied, "The truth is that all things are right for the rulership of the kingdom, and we can decide what he has done since coming to power. Apart from intriguing problems, the advice of the Minister of Kelabhata to give greater importance to the problems that the neighboring kings are creating, is his royalty and his quarreling. Envoy lakhs to the king It earns the king a stable and ungodliness. The truth is that it is true that the truth of corruption in government employees and the anarchy in the country has been suppressed. Bailaraj Jayaseena wanted his country independence, but the king did not intend to kneel the country in the eyes of the public. Praising Himself to the truth, He took Him to His God, indirectly informing Him. Hence he refused to marry, and refused to marry,

When Satyapatthi came to the royal government, he is not only a great politician but the influence of the circumstances and the intellectual understanding of human relationships and the vivacious Vivek that is in accordance with it. "
When the king was so silent, the obedience of the odor was crippled, and then again he broke.