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Showing posts with label Counting Wisely. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Counting Wisely. Show all posts

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

Counting Wisely +Moral of The Story

 Counting Wisely

Akbar once put a question to his court that left everyone puzzled. As they all tried to figure out the answer, Birbal walked and asked what the matter was. And so they told him the question.
‘How many crows are there in the city?’
Birbal immediately smiled, went up to Akbar and announced that the answer to his questions was twenty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-three. When asked how he knew the answer, Birbal replied, ‘Ask your men to count the number of crows. If there are more, then the crows’ relatives from outside the city are visiting them. If there are fewer, then the crows are visiting their relatives outside the city.’ Pleased with the answer, Akbar presented Birbal with a ruby and pearl chain.

Moral of The Story

Having an explanation for your answer is just as important as having an answer.


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