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Showing posts with label Maharaja of Akbar &Birbal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maharaja of Akbar &Birbal. Show all posts

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Maharaja of Akbar &Birbal Conscience

One time, the Maharaja of Akbar lost the ring. The whole castle was not found.

Then Akbar Birbal called the courtroom and said, "Birbal, my ring is not visible. The servants did not find it. I suspect someone stole it. Whoever stole someone else must have been in our house, who can find out? "

Birbal was thinking for a minute. "It's a very easy task Maharaja! The man who steals a man with a rice gourd, and the bearded one can find the thief! "

Soon a man in the house threw his beard. Seeing it, Birbal immediately threw a thief.

Akbar was very surprised. "Birbal, you know, is there a burger in a thief?"

"Maharaja, when the conscience of the wrong man is afraid of the conscience. If the people who do not steal are looking at the people around, the wrongdoer kills his beard with fear, "Birbal explained.

Birbbal has repeatedly demonstrated his contemplation and intelligence.


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