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Showing posts with label THEN I NEED ANOTHER DEFINITION OF GOOD.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label THEN I NEED ANOTHER DEFINITION OF GOOD.. Show all posts

Friday, 7 September 2018


It begins from childhood. They scold you when you query: who's his father?
They shut you up and tell you he has no father. He's the father. He has no beginning. He has no end. And so it begins; your bewilderment that endures and is unsatisfied with weak answers.
You learn to stuff it away but the inconsistencies keep bobbing up like a helium balloon under water.
Who did Cain marry? Shh.
If God forgives all sin, why doesn't he forgive Satan? Shh
What did the lion's eat on Noah's ark? How did the insects get on the boat? Shh
If children are an inheritance. Why do harlots abort their children while Hannah's womb was shut up by God? Shh
Why was Esau hated? The poor boy was hairier than a goat! Shh.
Why does God make bets with Satan to kill ten children of his most faithful follower just to prove a point? Shh
If God hates liars why did he send a lying spirit into the mouth of his prophets?
If God is not partial why was he slain for helping the cart while David was spared for a plethora of sins?
How can a witch raise Samuel from the dead?
If my sins separate me from God and make him not to hear me, how does he speak with Satan?
If God knows the beginning from the end why does he need to test people to see what's in their heart.
We all have questions that bother us but shh is the reply to all of it.
Well, there comes a time in an adult's life when shh is no longer sufficient. That is the moment when extremists bomb a church even though the Bible said there shall no evil befall them.
That is the moment when Dylan Roof guns 9 people down in cold blood but he who's in the presence of two and three that are gathered in his name folds his arms and does nothing.
It is that moment when a woman finds out her baby has been violated by her husband for 6 months but the angels of the God she's been praying to did nothing to prevent the abuse.
It is the moment my sister's body was lowered in the grave despite her faith and my family's.
Don't question God, they scold you. He's good all the time.
Well if there's a God that allows ISIS to slit the throats of dozens on camera and does nothing, then I need another definition of the word good.
If there's a God that watches the baby-making factories in eastern Nigeria happen so that those babies can be ripped apart for rituals while women, good women are being branded witches because their wombs have been shut up, then I need another definition of good.
If there's a God that created sin, Satan and the forbidden fruit exists, then I need another definition of good.
And that God, that makes a bet with his enemy like a gambler in a casino with the lives of ten human beings that are children of the most perfect man on all the east, then dear faithful, I say, don't shh me. I simply need another definition of good.


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