APJ Abdul Kalam, a renowned scientist, took up the President of the United Kingdom in July 2002 as a defense scientist in India. He developed SLV-3 and Agni missiles. He received several honorary doctorates and Padma Bhushan (1981) Padma Vibhushan (1990) and Bharat Ratna (1997). He is an insatiable reader, writes poetry and plays Rudra Veena. Kalam explains in detail how the people of India can pave the way for a bright and prosperous future for their entire population, to hold firmly to certain principles and to apply modern technology.
The recipient of Bharat Ratna, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, is the former president of India and the defense scientist. "The Society of Knowledge" is an extract from his popular book and famous "NURSING DISEASES" by light on an important aspect of modern civilization. He stressed that poverty can only be eradicated by a balance between the legacy and the current scientific knowledge. Kalam believes that India can achieve the pinnacle of prosperity and fame by persistently pursuing certain principles and applying modern technology.
India is basically a land of knowledge and needs to be rediscovered. Undoubtedly, foreign invasions and colonial rule have considerably weakened India. Knowledge has many forms and is available in many places. It is acquired through education, information, intelligence and experience. It manifests itself in artists, craftsmen, hakims, philosophers and saints. This plays a very important role.
Knowledge has always been the main motor of prosperity and power. India is a land of great heritage and ancient culture. The tradition of the guru and Shishya and the writings of the foreign traveler, the universities like Nalanda visited. In the past century, the world of being and farming has shifted to an industrial society. Technology has played a decisive role. In the 21st century, knowledge became the main source of production and not the capital and labor. The qualification of a nation as a knowledge society accompanies its development and development at the same time.
Education, health and agriculture are carried out in the knowledge society. Promotes high productivity and rural prosperity. This even creates new paths for employment. Some products must be taken for asset formation. With the help of the most demanding technologies.
Several technologies and corresponding management structures must work together to create a knowledge society. India has created a niche for itself in the field of information technology and will be much further developed in the coming years. Thus it adds a new pen to the knowledge society. Kalam is pleased that the Planning Commission has taken the initiative to generate a roadmap to transform India into a knowledge-based society.
As a second component, young and dynamic leaders are needed to build the knowledge society. The most important mission for the nation is that the knowledge will be a supermarket by 2010. A third dimension, which emerges from India, turns into a supermarket of knowledge. It is the protection of knowledge and involves a great responsibility. Our communications networks and information generators must be protected against electronic attacks. This is very important Our outstanding knowledge and culture also help us with this great task.

Kalam's teacher, Pastor Iyyadorai Salomon, brought two newspaper excerpts and related two events that touched his heart. Mahatma Gandhi, barefooted in Calcutta, Bengal, on August 15, 1947, the elimination of the pain of the people affected by the unrest was the first and most important news in his memory. As the father of the nation, Mahatma Gandhi would have been there at the Red Fort to deploy the national flag on Independence Day. But Gandhi was not in the Red Fort. But he was in the areas affected by the unrest to console people. He had cultivated the leadership that the nation could take during the celebration of freedom. Mahatma Gandhi was an incarnation of the nobility, a high thought and a leader who was very concerned about the suffering of the people. Kalam was inspired by his simplicity and believes that our country needs such leaders to make progress and avoid violence and terrorism.
Kalam told an incident on Abraham Lincoln, which has greatly influenced him. This incident highlights the humility of a great leader and is a teaching for humanity. He was born in the state of Kentucky in the United States. Although he has faced many obstacles, he has made extraordinary efforts to gain knowledge while working. He lost the elections for the Senator, but gained a national reputation that earned him the Republican nomination for the President in 1860. He issued the proclamation of emancipation, which declared freedom for these slaves in the confederation. He remembered this brilliant action.
One day in the Senate, a senator, very arrogant, rose to Lincoln and reminded him that he was a shoemaker's son. The whole Senate laughed. But it was hard to humiliate a man like Lincoln. Lincoln replied that he was very grateful to the senator when he reminded his father that he was dead. He offered to fix his shoes when there was a problem with his shoes because he had learned the art of making his father's shoes. And tears came to him in the memory of his grandfather.
In 2003, he visited a Buddhist monastery in Tawang in Arunachal Pradesh. He stayed there for almost a day. He observed happiness among all the villagers despite the severe winter conditions. He asked the chief monk how the people there were always happy. Chief Monk said that in today's world the problem of distrust and misfortune became violence. If we remove "me" and "me" from our heads, we can eliminate ego, hatred of other people, violence in thoughts and actions. When violence is suppressed, peace is created in human minds. Then peace will flourish in society.
Lesilie Alexander Hill was born in Greece in 1918 and studied at the University of Cambridge. In this lesson, he has highlighted the rules and regulations that must be followed to improve his written skills. He gave valuable advice on the secret of successful writing.
In the "Principles of Good Writing" essay, LA Hill tells us the principles that we must follow when we should write well: how to clearly and logically how to increase vocabulary and expression, how to find how to write them interesting and what can be avoided when writing. If we want to write well, we must think clearly and logically. To develop it, we must practice reflection on a topic and follow it step by step. We have to do it several times. For example, when we think of the freedom of a man, we will see that his freedom is first restricted, which is possible and then to what is legal. His freedom is limited because he can not fly to Mars; This is impossible and you must not kill your neighbor because it is illegal. Repeated practice of this kind on different topics will improve our willingness to think clearly and logically. In order to increase our vocabulary or stock of words and phrases, we must read carefully and carefully. We should consider interesting and useful expressions and get to know their meaning with the help of a dictionary.
One can only learn to write. So we have to write without waiting for inspiration. Good writing depends more on hard work and less on inspiration. How do I find topics to write? When we look at the things that surround us, we find many interesting things to write about. We must read our newspapers, books, and magazines carefully, and observe the surprising ideas and ideas that we find. When we develop a warm understanding of human joys and sorrows, we will find many interesting things to write in all the ordinary incidents of life. To be a good writer, it is not enough to find interesting topics. You must write about them interesting. To write interesting, you have to choose the type of readers you want to write. Then you can find out what kind of topics interest you. When we read the women magazine, we find this topic that interests them, and we find topics that interest young people in magazines for young people like sports magazines. In addition, we must remember that the issues that interest us today are more interesting. Therefore, a writer should select themes that are current and which are interesting for the type of readers he or she is interested in. The topics we choose are the ones we know very well. Only then can we write about them with authority and conviction.
When we write about the chosen topic, we must write systematically. In the first paragraph, for example, we have to say clearly what we write and why. In the middle we must present ideas and arguments. We just have to write the relevant elements and be irrelevant. In the last paragraph, we must sum up what leads to a clean and clear ending of what we have already spoken of. However, the reader is not interested in our writing, unless we really care. In our writing, we must try to convey the meaning that we are very interested in the subject, and our own interest will, so to speak, infect the reader. However, we do not have to force our own personal problems, which does not equal the readers at all.
The writer, who is trying to write well, should not try to tell the reader the obvious things. If a topic is important, it should be discussed seriously. The reader knows this. So it does not have to be said in several words. Words and abstract expressions should be avoided as far as possible. Instead, certain words and phrases should be used. So avoid the euphemism used to hide unpleasant things in a pleasant language, for example a special treatment to mean wild torture.
A writer should follow the same style consistently. We should not mix formal expressions and slang in the same manuscript. It is absurd to write: "I had no choice but to swallow my thumb." The expression "I had no alternative, but to give" is a formal expression, while the expression "give the thumbs down" is a very familiar expression or slang .
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